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Apricot Bread

Apricot Bread

In the kitchen: read the "Apricot Bread" recipe quickly and reproduce it at home!

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Could probiotics prevent DIABETES? Gut bacteria imbalance 'triggers type 2 disease'

Diabetes (Type 2)
Diabetes insipidus

Could probiotics prevent DIABETES? Gut bacteria imbalance 'triggers type 2 disease'

A daily dose of probiotics could help ward off disease, such as type 2 diabetes, new research today suggests. The new findings add to the ever-growing sphere of scientific research focusing on the...

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Homemade spaghetti bolognese

Homemade spaghetti bolognese

In the kitchen: read the "Homemade spaghetti bolognese" recipe quickly and reproduce it at home!

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Slow-cooker barley and chickpea risotto

Slow-cooker barley and chickpea risotto

In the kitchen: read the "Slow-cooker barley and chickpea risotto" recipe quickly and reproduce it at home!

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