Legal Notice


Welcome to Carenity.

By using this site, you acknowledge that you have read the disclaimer below and that you agree to abide by it. The disclaimer may evolve over time, so you must check it regularly.

Publisher is published by ELSE CARE, a Société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) based at 1 rue de Stockholm 75008 Paris, France, with a capital of €15,542 and registered with the Paris Register of Commerce and Companies under number 529 931 008 00013.

ELSE CARE is controlled by its founder, Michael CHEKROUN. It is totally independent: it maintains no capital ties with pharmaceutical companies, insurers, mutual societies, medical publishing companies or any other player in the health sector. Its content is in no way influenced, directly or indirectly, by business partners or advertisers.

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All intellectual property rights in the literary and artistic works, typographical layout, sounds, audio-visual items, pathology tracking software, data and other works in is the property of ELSE CARE, and is protected by international laws on copyright and other intellectual property rights.

No material from this site may not be reproduced, modified, distributed, transmitted, republished, displayed or distributed without the prior written permission of ELSE CARE. For inquiries regarding the use of material from, please contact:

Personal data

The company ELSE CARE is the data controller, within the meaning of French Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended, relating to IT data, files and freedoms, and within the meaning of EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, of 27 April 2016 (together known as the “Regulations”), in respect of the personal data of Members and Users.

Members’ data may, subject to their explicit consent in this regard and in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of Use, be used as follows:

  • To benefit from the services that interest them and for which they wish to register, namely:
    • Dissemination and sharing of information and a variety of content relating to health, human physical condition and illnesses and pathologies, and all products and/or services relating thereto,
    • Their connection with the other members of concerning the same illness, as chosen by the Member for this purpose,
    • The exchange of information and content with other Members of through private e-mails and/or via the community’s publication spaces and interactive discussions (e.g. news feeds, discussion forums, private messaging, etc.),
    • The benefit of tools for the individual monitoring of Members’ state of health,
  • Members are informed that in this context, personal data - particularly identification data and health data - concerning them are collected and processed in accordance with these general terms and conditions of use and on the basis of their express consent after having read the information and consent notice at the time of initial registration.
  • Members’ data may also be processed to allow them to receive corporate or promotional information from ELSE CARE or its partners, on topics of interest to them, on the basis of voluntary, active and specific consent on their part. For example, they may receive information on studies and surveys to enable them to participate if they so wish and/or to be put in contact with the organizations responsible for carrying out such studies and/or surveys.
  • Members may withdraw their consent at any time without providing a reason. In this case, they acknowledge that they will no longer be able to benefit from the services available from and/or receive corporate and promotional information.

The withdrawal of Members’ consent shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal of such consent.

Members’ data may also be used within the context of studies or evaluations in the field of health, including semantic, scientific, medical, medico-economic observations, or quality of life aspects implemented by ELSE CARE on its own behalf, or on behalf of its contractual partners, unless specifically opposed by the particular Member, for each study brought to his/her knowledge beforehand, and after implementation of all the formalities required by CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique e des Libertés, French Data Protection Authority) when they are applicable. Studies are conducted after the application of enhanced security measures to ensure respect for privacy.

Lastly, ELSE CARE may also produce statistics within the context of its activities and the services accessible via which it implements after aggregating data from Members and Users so they can no longer be identified and to ensure their anonymity.

The personal data of Members and Users are strictly intended for ELSE CARE and may only be used by Members authorized specifically for this purpose, as and when using the services of

As such, Members are expressly informed that it is recommended to choose a username/pseudonym associated with a non-identifying photo as an “avatar”, rather than their real identity, in order to protect their privacy within the community.

Members thus assess, at their own risk, whether to appear on and to participate in the various services offered in a way that identifies them, or alternatively to choose information that allows them to preserve their anonymity.

Any Member not wishing to be identified on is informed and accepts that the risk of identification by other Members registered in the same community as him or her, exists, depending on the nature and accuracy of the information that he or she consents to share within the community.

ELSE CARE uses subcontractors who apply adequate safeguards to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the confidentiality, security and sustainability requirements for these data are met.

Where applicable, the Member's data may be used for health studies and health evaluations, subject to his or her specific objection to each study brought previously to his or her attention.

ELSE CARE guarantees that the personal data of Members and Users will not be sent to any unauthorized third party.

Members' data regarding the use of the services offered via are kept for the duration necessary for the use of these services. If ELSE CARE detects inactivity in a Member's personal account for 5 years, ELSE CARE will send a message to the Member informing them of the closure of their account and the deletion of this personal data.

In accordance with the aforementioned Regulations, Members and Users each have:

  • the right to access and correct personal data concerning them;
  • the right to object and delete their personal data;
  • the right to communicate their instructions regarding the fate of their personal data after their death;

Members and Users also have:

  • the right to withdraw consent at any time;
  • the right to request restriction of processing;
  • the right to be forgotten and to erasure of personal data;
  • the right to the portability of their data, where this right applies;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

To exercise their rights, Members may contact ELSE CARE directly by logging into their personal account and sending a private message via

Members and Users may also contact the ELSE CARE Data Protection Officer for any questions regarding their personal data, at the following address:

The processing of your personal data may involve cross-border data exchanges within the company's US employees.
If this occurs and given that the United States does not benefit from an adequacy decision under Article 45 of the GDPR, various measures will be put in place to ensure that we have adequate protection for your personal data transferred to the United States, such as signing standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission

The Carenity website makes use of cookies. These do not include personal or identification data. The cookies policy can be accessed here.

Disclaimer contains links providing direct access to other external websites. ELSE CARE has no editorial control over such websites and accepts no liability for the information provided by them.

Please refer to the Terms of Use for more information.

Last updated: 28/02/2023