Charter of good conduct and privacy policy


1. Transparency and acceptance of the terms of

On each Member commit themselves first and foremost to respect the specific and transparent obligations (read our general terms of use). On each Member has been informed and has consented expressly and specifically to the collection, handling and keeping of their personal data and in particular their health data (read the paragraph on the protection of your data). On the members are routinely informed about their rights, their obligations and the stakes of protecting their personal data in everyone's interest (Read the different notes in the legal notice). The information and services offered by does not in any way constitute medical advice nor does it replace medical consultations by competent health care professionals.

2. Confidentiality on

On, all members are encouraged to remain anonymous to other members;

  • Only ELSE CARE is responsible under the Data Protection Act 2018 (registration number ZA048012) for processing personal data and Amazon Web services Inc. is responsible for data storage, have access to Members’ personal data collected if strictly necessary in the interests of their mission.
  • Each Member of is identified by a username, unless they choose to be entirely or partly identified (first name, last name, photo…).
  • None of the services or sections of demands identification of the Member by anything other than their email address and/or username, the Member can benefit from all services without having to disclose their identity.
  • ELSE CARE uses a data aggregation process (data gathering) prior to delivering any study to their clients and/or partners, thus guaranteeing the anonymity of the data provided by the Members, unless a Member is specifically informed that their personal data may be transmitted in a non-aggregated form(all your data separated from those of others), and they have given their express consent.

3. The protection of your personal data on

Before signing up on you have been informed about your rights concerning your personal data (notice of consent). ELSE CARE is responsible for processing personal data within the essence of the Data Protection Act 2018 and of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter described as the “Regulations”), collected through the services used by Members ofco. Processing is undertaken to allow you to benefit from the services that interest you and to which you wish to subscribe. Carenity informs you of the purpose of the collection and processing of your personal data, in full transparency and in accordance with its legal obligations:

  • To facilitate the sharing of information and content related to human ailments and related products and services for the interest of Members and Users,
  • To enable Members of affected by the same or different ailment to connect to one another,
  • To facilitate the exchange of information and content between Members of via private e-mail, the communal spaces and interactive discussions (e.g. newsfeed, discussion forums, private messaging),
  • To facilitate the usage of health-monitoring tools by Members
  • To allow you to participate, if you wish, in surveys and studies on the basis of your voluntary consent given voluntarily after having been informed of the objective of this survey/study, active and specific on your part and/or to be put in contact with our possible partners in charge of carrying out such studies and/or surveys
  • Using fully aggregated data (grouping of your data with those of all the respondents) to prevent identification, to facilitate the execution of research and / or studies (including semantics, scientific, medical, medico-economic or quality of life) by ELSE CARE for itself or on behalf of its contractual partners, unless you were specifically informed that your personal data may be transmitted in a non-aggregated form (i.e., your data separated from that of others) and have given your express consent.
  • On the basis of the Member’s voluntary, active and specific consent, to enable institutional or promotional information to be sent to Members via their private messaging service.

The disclosure of your personal data, including your health data, is limited to ELSE CARE and to a third party whom you expressly permit to receive such data. ELSE CARE ensures that your personal data and in particular your personal health data will not be disclosed to any unauthorized third party. By registering with, Members consent to the collection, treatment and storage of his/her personal data and in particular to personal health data.

As a Member of, you are informed that in accordance with the aforementioned Regulations you have:

  • the right to access and rectify your personal data;
  • the right to object to and delete your personal data;
  • the right to communicate your instructions regarding the fate of your personal data after your death;

You also have:

  • the right to withdraw your consent at any time;
  • the right to request restriction of processing;
  • the right to be forgotten and to erasure of personal data;
  • the right to the portability of your data;
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL;
  • For minors (whose registration is possible after 13 years, subject to the collection of the consent of the person responsible for parental authority before 16 years), the right to delete their data at any time.

To exercise your rights, you may send a private message to ELSE CARE directly from your personal account.

The processing of your personal data may involve cross-border data exchanges between employees of the company in the US.
Where applicable, and as the US does not benefit from an adequacy decision under Article 45 of the GDPR, we use various measures to ensure that your personal data transferred to the US is adequately protected, such as signing the standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission.

You may also contact the ELSE CARE Data Protection Officer for any questions regarding your personal data, at the following e-mail address:

4. Respect for everyone in the interest of all on

Everyone is equal before disease and each patient shall have equal rights and obligations. On each member is committed to the unconditional respect for other members, especially in case of participation in interactive services and usage of private messages. Each member is informed of all legal requirements applicable to and in particular to comply with the following provisions in connection with any participation in an exchange and interactive space or private messages:

  • To respect privacy, personality and image rights;
  • To protect the interest of minors;
  • To respect medical confidentiality;
  • Not to do anything defamatory, abusive, insulting, demeaning, threatening, racist, bigoted, xenophobix or violent, not to harass any person, advocate crimes against humanity, do anything to provoke racial hatred, violence, child abuse, paedophilia, and/or post any child pornographic content, and/or be disrespectful of the dignity and sensitivity of other Members or of the members of the Carenity staff, and;
  • To prohibit all pornographic content;
  • To protect all copyrights and proprietary rights.

Members bear full responsibility for all private messages and contributions to exchange and interactive spaces that are written, issued, exchanged or disseminated using their name and password. complies strictly with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018, and as such:

  • preserves data for the identification of Members throughout the statutory period, and may communicate on legal requisitions,
  • ELSE CARE does not moderate or otherwise edit Members’ contributions to exchange and interactive spaces prior to posting on Contributions can only be moderated by after posting,
  • Is not required to monitor inputs on exchange and interactive spaces,
  • At the request of any member using appropriate legal forms, shall remove promptly without notice any illegal content and especially those that breach the provisions listed above or which infringe the rights of third parties. Private messages sent and received from are private correspondence and are deemed to constitute confidential information. Members may not disseminate such correspondence, or disclose confidential information comprised in such correspondence in the exchange and interactive spaces or to unauthorized third parties or the public without the express written permission of the authors of such correspondence. is a neutral and independent space: each member is prohibited from using for directly or indirectly sending messages and/or content of advertising/promotional type concerning any product or service, organisation, company, healthcare professional or the likes. Carenity reserves the right to temporarily or definitively exclude a member for non-compliance with this charter and/or the terms of use.

In addition, the Members of Carenity are committed to:

  • Providing sources (references, links, etc.) on medical data other than personal experience,
  • Only publishing medical information which they deem true in light of their knowledge.

5. Security policy on implements effective security measures adapted to the protection of data and services offered via To this end, has called upon the services of specialised service providers:

  • Amazon Web Services Inc. and its subsidiaries as host: a significant investment has been made to implement very high security measures and levels intended to guarantee appropriate and continuous protection of personal health data,
  • Companies and consultants specialized in the security audits of internet pages: network security, operating system security, security operations, etc.

The overall security policy of is based on measures of logical and physical security, regularly reviewed and updated. Notably used is:

  • A security procedure managing passwords and logins of the members,
  • Connection to all parts of the website is based on the secure Internet protocol HTTPS (SSL access).

Last updated: 28/02/2023