

Take part in our surveys now!

178 participants

20 minutes

Patient journey of preterm born people with respiratory dysfunctions

The survey is available until 31 July 2024

We would like to invite you to participate in a survey dedicated to patients who were born prematurely and living with asthma and/or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

The aim of this survey is to better understand patient’s awareness about preterm status and its influence on respiratory disease development and management.

90 participants

5 minutes

Post-covid survey

1 participant

20 minutes

Enquête auprès de patients sur l’hypertension artérielle : Le point de vue des patients sur l’observance du traitement



Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à une enquête consacrée aux adultes atteints d’hypertension artérielle (ou tension artérielle élevée).

L’objectif de cette enquête est de mieux comprendre comment les patients perçoivent leur traitement et le fardeau que représente la prise de différents médicaments pour contrôler leur tension artérielle.

Sign up to take part in our surveys and have a positive influence on research

318 participants

3 minutes

What do you think about the Carenity Forum and community?

The Carenity Team is committed to building a platform that reflects you and your needs. The following survey will allow us to collect your feedback on the Carenity forum and community.