Contributors: Sarah Moreau


Sarah Moreau

Sarah Moreau, founder of Face Au Soin, has turned her unexpected experience as a carer into a mission: to provide others with the best tools for mental and physical health. With a career in international financial and business management, Sarah is also a multi-talented holistic coach certified in yoga and vegan nutrition. She aspires to share her expertise with the Carenity community, particularly on stress management, well-being and managing career and professional projects while also serving as a carer. Sarah created "En Vie", the first online respite programme dedicated to carers and ex-carers, offering a space to breathe, reconnect with oneself and find new energy in their caring role.

Created: 26/01/2024 - Updated: 26/01/2024

This member's contributions to the Health Magazine

Scanxiety in caregivers: understanding and managing medical-exam related anxiety

Scanxiety in caregivers: understanding and managing medical-exam related anxiety

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