Fentanyl (fentanyl): Reviews and patient testimonials


Medication indications

Fentanyl 50 microgram/ml Injection

Fentanyl is an opioid analgesic used:

- in low doses to provide analgesia during short surgical procedures

- in high doses as an analgesic/respiratory depressant in patients requiring assisted ventilation

- in combination with a neuroleptic drug as part of the technique of neuroleptanalgesia

- in the treatment of severe pain, such as the pain of myocardial infarction

Fentanyl 50 micrograms/ml Solution for Injection

Fentanyl citrate is an opioid analgesic used:

In low doses to provide analgesia during short surgical procedures.

In high doses as an analgesic/respiratory depressant in patients requiring assisted ventilation.

In combination with a neuroleptic in the technique of neuroleptanalgesia.

In the treatment of severe pain, such as the pain of myocardial infarction.

Fentanyl 50 micrograms/ml solution for injection

Fentanyl is an opioid analgesic used:

- In low doses to provide analgesia during short surgical procedures.

- In high doses as an analgesic/respiratory depressant in patients requiring assisted ventilation.

- In combination with a neuroleptic in the technique of neuroleptanalgesia.

- In the treatment of severe pain, such as the pain of myocardial infarction.

Fentanyl 50 micrograms/ml Solution for Injection/Infusion

Fentanyl citrate is a narcotic analgesic. In low doses it is used to provide analgesia during short surgical procedures and as a premedicant. In higher doses it is employed as an analgesic/respiratory depressant in patients who need assisted ventilation. In combination with a neuroleptic drug, fentanyl is employed as part of the technique of neuroleptanalgesia. Fentanyl is also used in the treatment of severe pain, such as that of myocardial infarction.

Route of administration: Injectable, Oral
Molecule: fentanyl

Patients' opinions on Fentanyl

In brief

General satisfaction level: 6.40/10 Learn more

Treatment's effectiveness: 6.20/10 Learn more

Ease of use: 8.40/10 Learn more

Adherence to prescription: 8.25/10 Learn more

Detected side effects: 6.50/10 Learn more

Improvement in the quality of life: 6.20/10 Learn more

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Never
10 = Always

1 = Not at all important
10 = Extremely important

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

Tips and advice of the community

on 08/09/2021

I was put on fentanyl patches after being on morphine patches for some time. I started on very low amounts but within a couple of years was up to 125mcgms per hour. I was then referred to a Pain Management Consultant who told me that there was nothing he could do as the amount of fentanyl I was on was the equivalent of 500mg of morphine. The fentanyl also left me in a permanent state of brain fog and, according to my family, my personality had disappeared. I spent the next two and a half years working with the consultant to come off fentanyl, going through horrendous withdrawals every three months that lasted for up to two weeks at a time. The reason for coming down every three months was to give my body and my sanity time to recover before the next bout of withdrawal. I am now completely off fentanyl and all other opioids. I suffer from extreme pain but at least I have my personality and my sanity back and I feel that I am a much better person without fentanyl. Please think very carefully before embarking on a journey that may not help you and could be extremely difficult to come back from. 

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on 02/01/2021

I changed from the Butrans Patch to the Fentanyl patch,because I thought that it could help me deal with my pain better.But it didn't help me out with my pain. I had terrible headaches, nausea, was so very giddy all the time.So I went back on the Butrans Patch.  I had Fentanyl when I was in hospital, and it did help me while I was in there. But I got no relief whilst I was on the Fentanyl patch at home. 

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on 01/09/2020

 Think most of the time it’s all about money. My sister and I both suffer from Bronchiectasis. She has had it chronically, all of her life, mine is a result of pneumonia, just a few years ago ,after a terrible bout of Swine flu. I can fully understand how those poor people that picked up COVID must feel because I felt as though my lungs were liquefying then. It was terrible.

As a result of this, both my sister and I are taking Carbosisteine, Azithromyacine and  Fostair inhalers. She complains constantly about her chemist which changes her brands of medicines for cheaper versions but I argue back that although they’re not the same brands, they must still be the same composition. Both our chemists are Lloyds but our doctors are completely different to one another . Am I right in saying that because I’m fine with what I get but my illness is a milder version of hers.

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on 07/01/2020
I increased my levels of Fentynyl to 87 mcgs, I think it was but I was off the planet and how I coped getting through a day is beyond me because it was brain power over pain power and it took Herculean brain power to function. I decreased my levels because of concern by my family more than anything. I’m now on 62 and in severe pain once more but heyho, I’m alive and that’s how I look at it. I’m spending time with my family which I would walk on hot coals for. I must admit that I’m a changed person. I’m nasty and short tempered although I try my hardest to curb it. The real downside in all this is I’m losing my memory. Great swaithes of it have gone, never to return and it breaks my heart.

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on 11/02/2019

Once you are given it, don't let them take you off of it. Changed my life, I didn't have a life, each time I put my patch of 75mcg on and it kicked in, I was nearly back to my old self. Although I did get flare ups, not so many, to help me over this I was given oxynorm.   I was able to manage the pain to a very good degree, I had my life back. Then they decided to take me off of the fentanyl, took 8 months, I so wish I hadn't stopped the patches, the pain is so bad, never stops. I've moved so I have new doctors, first they have changed the brand of my oxynorm, which don't work, they don't go for 4 or more hours. Now they are stopping the oxynorm. I'm at my wits end, I must have those pills, they allow me to at least get some things done but what ever l do one day, like cleaning windows, gardening etc the next day l am in agony, I have never had this before. If I just want to lay on the settee, all day then these pills would be ok but I don't, I want to be active, I have so much to do, I get so depressed and fed up and having no one to talk to I suppose doesn't help. So here l am, fighting for my pills

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