Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (hydroxychloroquine sulfate): Reviews and patient testimonials


Medication indications

Route of administration: Oral
Molecule: hydroxychloroquine sulfate

Patients' opinions on Hydroxychloroquine sulfate

In brief

General satisfaction level: 5.00/10 Learn more

Treatment's effectiveness: 5.50/10 Learn more

Ease of use: 8.14/10 Learn more

Adherence to prescription: 8.71/10 Learn more

Detected side effects: 4.17/10 Learn more

Improvement in the quality of life: 5.57/10 Learn more

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Never
10 = Always

1 = Not at all important
10 = Extremely important

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

Tips and advice of the community

Mrs E Larkin • Ambassador
on 16/01/2021

Pre Covid my Rheumatologist had reduced my med by half. I should have a review next month which has been cancelled in which I'd hoped for a change to a more effective drug for Sjogrens! Now I'm tolerating increased inflammation in my joints and have no guidance on how to treat it! Hydrochloroquine has not lived up to expectations, be warned.

Your message

Mrs E Larkin • Ambassador
on 29/12/2020

After 4 years my Rheumatologist halved this medication and a year on my next appointment is cancelled. Not sure where I go with Sjogrens syndrome from here?

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Mrs E Larkin • Ambassador
on 09/01/2020

I had thought very little of side effects until reading this article! I will be seeing my consultant next month and discuss possible alternate medications. Thankyou for your feedback Carenity members.

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on 06/06/2019

My recent on a recent visit to see my rheumatologist it was discussed that this is one of the drugs they really don't want to take me off of as I have no side effects and it causes no trouble with my eyes there would be no need to

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on 20/02/2019

I was given this drug as an add on to my Methotrexate and I can only say from experience it gave me the worst side effects I have ever experienced. I only took it for ten days and I had to stop on the tenth day for fear I was going to loose my mind. I had extreme tingling in my head below the surface, memory loss., severe anxiety that came over me in waves, could not concentrate, chest pains and very bad headaches. Even after stopping the symptoms carried on for over 4 months. After looking online all of these symptoms are the side effects of the drug. The drug has a half life in your system of over 3 months. I take methotrexate with very little side effects. I did not take sulfasalazine well or steroid tablets. I stick to the odd Naproxen if needed now. I know hydroxychloroquine is ok for some but everybody is different. Hope this helps?

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on 20/02/2019

I was given this drug as an add on to my Methotrexate and I can only say from experience it gave me the worst side effects I have ever experienced. I only took it for ten days and I had to stop on the tenth day for fear I was going to loose my mind. I had extreme tingling in my head below the surface, memory loss., severe anxiety that came over me in waves, could not concentrate, chest pains and very bad headaches. Even after stopping the symptoms carried on for over 4 months. After looking online all of these symptoms are the side effects of the drug. The drug has a half life in your system of over 3 months. I take methotrexate with very little side effects. I did not take sulfasalazine well or steroid tablets. I stick to the odd Naproxen if needed now. I know hydroxychloroquine is ok for some but everybody is different. Hope this helps?

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Members using this Hydroxychloroquine sulfate