Minims Fluorescein (fluorescein): Reviews and patient testimonials


Medication indications

Minims Fluorescein Sodium 1% w/v, Eye drops solution

As a diagnostic stain.

Fluorescein does not stain a normal cornea but conjunctival abrasions are stained yellow or orange, corneal abrasions or ulcers are stained a bright green and foreign bodies are surrounded by a green ring.

Fluorescein can be used in diagnostic examinations including Goldmann tonometry and in the fitting of hard contact lenses.

Minims Fluorescein Sodium 2%, Eye drops solution

Fluorescein does not stain a normal cornea but conjunctival abrasions are stained yellow or orange, corneal abrasions or ulcers are stained a bright green and foreign bodies are surrounded by a green ring.

Fluorescein can be used in diagnostic examinations including Goldmann tonometry and in the fitting of hard contact lenses.

Route of administration: opinion.traitement.ocular
Molecule: fluorescein

Patients' opinions on Minims Fluorescein

In brief

General satisfaction level: Be the first to evaluate

Treatment's effectiveness: Be the first to evaluate

Ease of use: Be the first to evaluate

Adherence to prescription: Be the first to evaluate

Detected side effects: Be the first to evaluate

Improvement in the quality of life: Be the first to evaluate

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Never
10 = Always

1 = Not at all important
10 = Extremely important

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

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