The Carenity Team: Laury Sellem


Laury Sellem

Laury is a Data Scientist & Project Manager at Carenity. She conducts real-life studies with members of the community and supports the various Data Science project teams. 

Laury holds an agricultural-engineering degree from the Institut Agro Rennes (formerly Agrocampus Ouest), a master's degree in Nutrition and Human Health from AgroParisTech, as well as a doctorate in Nutrition Sciences from the University of Reading (UK). Passionate about conducting health research, she worked in university research laboratories for 5 years before joining Carenity in 2022. Specifically, Laury worked with volunteers for various intervention studies and specializes in “in real life” data analysis collected via online epidemiological surveys. 

Laury holds a PhD in Nutrition Sciences (University of Reading, UK) and a master's in Nutrition and Human Health (AgroParisTech, France). She has conducted clinical and epidemiological research projects in Nutrition and Health for 5 years, the award-winning results of which have been presented at international congresses. Her work has focused on the impact of saturated fats and dairy products on cardiovascular health, as well as the role of food additives on the risk of cancer, which has resulted in the publication of several articles in scientific journals. 

In conjunction with her research, Laury has written numerous popular science articles in the United Kingdom in order to inform the general public about healthy and balanced nutrition in an accessible and rigorous way. 

Created: 19/10/2022 - Updated: 19/10/2022

This member's contributions to the Health Magazine

The 6 best cooking oils and fats to support your health

The 6 best cooking oils and fats to support your health

The truth about detox diets and cleanses

The truth about detox diets and cleanses

What diet should one follow before a colonoscopy?

What diet should one follow before a colonoscopy?

Sweeteners and sugar substitutes for diabetes: Should you consume them?

Sweeteners and sugar substitutes for diabetes: Should you consume them?

How to eat well with Parkinson’s Disease?

How to eat well with Parkinson’s Disease?

The effects of diet on ankylosing spondylitis

The effects of diet on ankylosing spondylitis

Eating with diabetes: should you go keto?

Eating with diabetes: should you go keto?

How to Eat Healthy during the Holidays?

How to Eat Healthy during the Holidays?

Taking Care of Your Gut Microbiota for a Better Immunity

Taking Care of Your Gut Microbiota for a Better Immunity

Menopause and diet: how to eat well to reduce symptoms?

Menopause and diet: how to eat well to reduce symptoms?

Mindful Eating: Why is it a game-changer for your diet?

Mindful Eating: Why is it a game-changer for your diet?

Where do sugar cravings come from? What can you do to stop indulging?

Where do sugar cravings come from? What can you do to stop indulging?

Sleep apnoea and diet - what is the link?

Sleep apnoea and diet - what is the link?

What is histamine intolerance?

What is histamine intolerance?

Food intolerance: what is it and how does it affect our health?

Food intolerance: what is it and how does it affect our health?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): what kind of food can help you?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): what kind of food can help you?

What are the health risks of ultra-processed foods?

What are the health risks of ultra-processed foods?

Is sugar dangerous for our health?

Is sugar dangerous for our health?

Maintaining a healthy diet when living with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis  (NASH)

Maintaining a healthy diet when living with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

IBD: Foods that can worsen symptoms

IBD: Foods that can worsen symptoms

Where to find iron in the diet and reduce deficiencies?

Where to find iron in the diet and reduce deficiencies?

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