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What is your diet like? Do you follow any particular diet?
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Last activity on 15/12/2022 at 21:05
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@jessyoucan I haven't tried the NHS's diet, but myself I use an app. There's lots of them out there that are free or that you can pay for and they're easy to use. You put in your target weight and how much you'd like to lose per week, and then it gives you an idea of how many calories you should be eating. The one I use give recipe recommendations and you can enter what you eat to help you learn what portions you should be eating and how many calories different foods generally have. As for the food, I try to eat more protein because that helps keep you less hungry, and I try to eat lots of fresh veg. I've heard being vegetarian or vegan can help you lose weight, but I'm not strong enough to try that yet lol
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Last activity on 26/11/2024 at 18:50
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@Biggy! I go to slimming world once’s a week I have lost four stone I was 22 and half stone I am now weigh 18stone five and half stone went to the doctors she told me if I did not lose weight I would be dead in a year that is why I lost weight mrs jeeglen
Last activity on 26/11/2024 at 18:50
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relp to me onjayneeglen50@gmail.com
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Last activity on 23/04/2021 at 17:19
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@jessyoucan @Biggy! Hi, I've just joined. My diet is so terrible, I can never stick to one or I never do long enough for it to work. I can't stand being hungry all the time and I'm a terrible cook so it's hard. Which diets have you tried? You name it, I've tried it.
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 7 in the Obesity Forum
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@jessyoucan Hello jessyoucan, thank you for starting this discussion. And thank you @Biggy! and @becomingbetter for participating! Let me tag some other members who can maybe share their experiences and advice!
Hello all, how are you today? Have you tried any particular diets plans or regimes? Have they worked for you? Which ones do you prefer and or not? Do you know of any good resources (websites, apps, books, podcasts, etc.) we should know about? Feel free to share here, we're all here to help and support one another!
@Jacknted1 @Spider @Dottie62 @Sukie1 @Aortic60 @henrick @flutterby40 @Dolphin5005 @Lynlynne @Leigh78
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
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Last activity on 14/02/2024 at 13:23
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@Courtney_J I'm diabetic so my focus has always been mostly on low-carb and low-sugar. I tried weight watchers in the past and a few other things but nothing really has worked.
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Last activity on 07/02/2025 at 21:40
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16 comments posted | 1 in the Obesity Forum
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Mary Eldin _ I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in my 40s but between constant struggles with weight problems and the fact that in 20 years without taking contraceptives I only had 4 pregnancies so I had suspected for some time I had it. Both before and after my diagnosis my life was a constant battle with my weight, Strict diets led to losses of between 2-3 stone then, when off the diet, I would rapidly regain the loss and usually added more. I gradually went up to 20 Stone. This was my life as a mother, nurse and housewife. I was always busy but nothing helped.
However, once I passed the menopause I found that when I lost weight, I never put it back on again. I am now just over 15 stone and still losing. I do follow a regular healthy diet with odd treats so obviously hormones play a huge role in losing weight.
My daughter was diagnosed - due to my persistence as I could see she was going through the same journey as I had - when she was about 17 . However, reaction was so similar - go and lose weight. One consultant put her on a new pill but when my chemist pointed out she had never seen such a high dosage being prescribed and also warned me of side effects, the first of which would impact on the thyroid gland, we decided she should not take it. There is an extensive history of hormonal problems in our family including my mother and three of her siblings suffering from hypothyroidism. My daughter had told them about our family history but this guy ignored it.
It makes me very angry because so many women suffer from polycystic and yet ... no one has really bothered to try and treat it --- it's just a woman's thing!
I eat lots of fruit and veg. Have cut down on meat, eat fish a couple of times a week and limit the carbs. My HBaic is low and my insulin intake has also declined. I treat myself with 2 squares of dark chocolate in the evenings!
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Last activity on 06/02/2023 at 23:06
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24 comments posted | 4 in the Obesity Forum
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@mariam2 Thanks for sharing, I didn't know that hormones could affect our weight. I knew that contraceptives could make you gain weight but some how I didn't put it all together. That's fantastic for you that you've gotten the wait off so naturally. Maybe there's hope for me in the next few years. I hope your daughter doesn't suffer to much and gets good care. xx
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Last activity on 06/02/2023 at 23:06
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For me I've tried weight watchers and counting calories with my diabetes but even between that and trying to exercise it hasn't done much. I really should make more of an effort but I'm really a terrible cook and it's hard.
Last activity on 04/02/2025 at 18:26
Joined in 2020
I am on no diet there is times when I over eat and times when I don’t as ii don’t feel up to it. I had an attack a couple of days now when I felt really low with headaches , vomiting and sweating shaking I thought I was going to die. Then my husband got me to eat something a piece of cake then I felt better had some breakfast this morning and a bit better today.
I do need some help and advice also my husband have Parkinson so I do find it a bit difficult concentrating on both of us.
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Last activity on 16/06/2023 at 01:27
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16 comments posted | 7 in the Obesity Forum
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Hello everyone, sorry for creating all these discussions, I'm trying to motivate myself whilst cooped up at home! I'd like some advise on diet plans. Which ones work the best? I see the NHS has one, is it any good? Should I be vegetarian? Vegan? Does anyone know which diet is best?