Pantoprazole (pantoprazole sesquihydrate): Reviews and patient testimonials


Medication indications

Pantoprazole 20 mg gastro-resistant Tablets

Pantoprazole is indicated for use in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and above for:

• Symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.

• Long-term management and prevention of relapse in reflux oesophagitis.

Pantoprazole is indicated for use in adults for:

• Prevention of gastroduodenal ulcers induced by non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in patients at risk with a need for continuous NSAID treatment.

Pantoprazole 20 mg gastro-resistant tablets

Pantoprazole is indicated for use in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and above for:

• Symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.

• long-term management and prevention of relapse in reflux oesophagitis.

For long-term management and prevention of relapse in reflux oesophagitis.

• Pantoprazole is indicated for use in adults for: Prevention of gastroduodenal ulcers induced by non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in patients at risk with a need for continuous NSAID treatment.

Pantoprazole 20mg gastro-resistant tablets

• Pantoprazole is indicated for use in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and above for: Symptomatic gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.

• Long-term management and prevention of relapse in reflux oesophagitis.

Pantoprazole is indicated for use in adults for:

• Prevention of gastroduodenal ulcers induced by non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in patients at risk with a need for continuous NSAID treatment.

Pantoprazole 40 mg gastro-resistant Tablets

Pantoprazole is indicated for use in adults and adolescents 12 years of age and above for:

- Reflux oesophagitis.

Pantoprazole is indicated in adults for:

- Eradication of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in combination with appropriate antibiotic therapy in patients with H. pylori associated ulcers.

- Gastric and duodenal ulcer.

- Zollinger-Ellison-Syndrome and other pathological hyper secretory conditions.

Pantoprazole 40 mg gastro-resistant tablets

Pantoprazole is indicated for use in Adults and adolescents 12 years of age and above for

− Reflux oesophagitis.

Pantoprazole is indicated for use in Adults for

− Eradication of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in combination with appropriate antibiotic therapy in patients with H. pylori associated ulcers.

− Gastric and duodenal ulcer.

− Zollinger-Ellison-Syndrome and other pathological hypersecretory conditions.

Pantoprazole 40 mg Powder for Solution for Injection

- Reflux oesophagitis.

- Gastric and duodenal ulcer.

- Zollinger-Ellison-Syndrome and other pathological hypersecretory conditions.

Pantoprazole 40 mg powder for solution for injection.

- Reflux oesophagitis

- Gastric and duodenal ulcer

- Zollinger-Ellison-Syndrome and other pathological hypersecretory conditions.

Pantoprazole 40 mg, powder for solution for injection

- Reflux oesophagitis

- Gastric and duodenal ulcer

- Zollinger – Ellison Syndrome and other pathological hypersecretory conditions.

Pantoprazole 40mg gastro-resistant tablets

Adults and adolescents 12 years of age and above

• Reflux oesophagitis.


• Eradication of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) in combination with appropriate antibiotic therapy in patients with H. pylori associated ulcers.

• Gastric and duodenal ulcer.

• Zollinger-Ellison-Syndrome and other pathological hypersecretory conditions.

Pantoprazole 40mg powder for solution for injection vials

- Reflux oesophagitis.

- Gastric and duodenal ulcer.

- Zollinger-Ellison-Syndrome and other pathological hypersecretory conditions.

Route of administration: Injectable, Oral
Molecule: pantoprazole sesquihydrate

Patients' opinions on Pantoprazole

In brief

General satisfaction level: 7.67/10 Learn more

Treatment's effectiveness: 7.83/10 Learn more

Ease of use: 9.17/10 Learn more

Adherence to prescription: 8.50/10 Learn more

Detected side effects: 3.83/10 Learn more

Improvement in the quality of life: 7.33/10 Learn more

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Never
10 = Always

1 = Not at all important
10 = Extremely important

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

Tips and advice of the community

on 12/03/2020

I try to take it every day at least 30 minutes before my evening meal. 

Your message

on 12/03/2020

I try to take it every day at least 30 minutes before my evening meal. 

Your message

lesmal • Ambassador
on 25/09/2019

Too soon to tell. New medication. 

Your message

on 25/03/2019

If I did not take this drug I wouldn't be able to function throughout the day because it cures side effects from any of my other medications

Your message