Symptoms of type 1 diabetes

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes can occur either because the body is trying to release the exess sugar accumulating in the blood or because the body has removed too much sugar, causing low blood sugar levels. The symptoms usually develop over a few days or weeks.


There are two main types of reactions to the blood sugar levels significantly increasing (hyperglycemia) and decreasing (hypoglycemia). Usually hypoglycemia occurs when a patient has taken too much insulin, so the body has moved too much sugar from the blood. Hyperglycemia is the opposite and can happen if the patient hasn't taken enough insulin, hence accumulating too much sugar in the blood.


Common symptoms of type 1 diabetes

Some of the most common symptoms are:
- Increased thirst (since the body will try and flush out excess sugar in the urine, your body demands fluids)
- More frequent urination, especially at night
- Severe tiredness
- Loss of muscle and weight (the body will start feasting on these resources to create energy)
- Genital itching
- Slow healing of cuts and wounds
- Blurred vision

Less common symptoms such as vomiting and heavy breathing might occur at a later stage and require immediate medical attention.

Source: NHS

Last updated: 02/02/2019

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