

8 Migraine Triggers

Published 6 Jan 2016

8 Migraine Triggers
Migraine is a very impairing condition when it strikes. There are people that only get it once a year at most, but there are people that get them constantly. Here are some tips to identify what can be triggering your migraines, especially you, the frequent sufferers.

1. Skipping a meal 
This is a risky move for migraine sufferers. Experts aren't sure exactly why, but it could affect the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that governs your body clock. It's also possible that a drop in blood sugar could set off an attack. Either way, try to eat regularly to keep migraines at bay.
2. Sleeping in
You expect that skimping on shut-eye might lead to a migraine attack—but so can logging too much sleep. Your brain does best with a consistent schedule that should be kept even on weekends.
3. Stress and lack of it
Stress is a well-established migraine trigger. But relaxing after a stressful period is an even more significant trigger. A drop in the hormone cortisol could explain this "let-down headache," which may occur at the beginning or your weekend, for example, or the day you leave on a trip. One way to avoid it is to work in small doses of relaxation (like yoga stretches or short walks) during an especially tough week or month, to prevent a build-up of stress.
4. Alcohol (Red wine)
Research has found that nearly 38% of migraine-prone adults are sensitive to alcohol. Red wine seems to be particularly problematic. But researchers have yet to determine the precise reason for booze-induced attacks. An immediate throb could possibly be triggered by alcohol's vasodilation effect. Another theory is that alcohol causes fluctuations in serotonin, a pain-regulating neurotransmitter, that trigger headaches. 
5. Not drinking enough water
You know dehydration is no good for your body. For your mind is even worse, and when it lacks water, the headaches can double or triple in frequency and intensity. 
6. Extra weight
Obesity raises your risk of episodic (or occasional) migraines by 81%, according to Dr. Peterlin's research. "Obesity is a chronic state of inflammation, and that can contribute to pain," she says. 
7. Your period
Hormones are the second-most common trigger for migraines in women (and also the reason these headaches affect three times more women than men). Every month the menstrual cycle involves a drop in estrogen, which causes other chemical fluctuations that can make a woman more vulnerable to pain.
8. Sunshine
There's no doubt that bright light can make a migraine feel worse—which is why it helps to retreat to a dark room. "During an attack, things that normally don't bother you can become painful," explains Dr. Peterlin, like a computer glare, or even a ponytail holder or tight t-shirt. But many people believe bright light is actually what sets off their attacks.

I hope this info is helpful and if you have something else to add please do! :)
Remember that sharing helps everyone to cope and prevent. 


on 07/01/2016

I don't suffer with migraines but I'e heard a lot recently about daith piercing helping some people! Has anyone here had one?

on 16/01/2016

I've suffered with migraines since I was 11yrs old. I've heard it can also be hereditary and my Dad suffered with them well into his 40s. My triggers are definitely stress and the 'let-down' headache; the first day of any holiday, or at a weekend, I'm usually very ill. Cheese, chocolate and fizzy drinks don't help, but I find that caffeine does help. My usual 'migraine hangover' cure is, hot sweet tea and plain ol' buttered white toast.

My sleep is crucial. I need my 8 hours, but no more than 9 or I end up with a migraine. It kinda sucks that I can't lie in on a weekend! lol 

Basically I have to be careful with all of the triggers that are mentioned.

I've also head about the daith piercing technique, but the features of my ears aren't that pronounced, so there's not that much there to pierce,

I'm going to be experimenting with Botox for migraines; luckily I have a friend who is a nurse practitioner, qualified in the treatment. So fingers crossed.


Unregistered member
on 17/01/2016

I suffered migraines everyday for years and years. Done a lot of research on daith piercing and decided to get it done. I have it done now for 3 weeks and I can honestly say ive had one headache that came to nothing since having it done. it has changes the quality of my life not having to battle with migraines everyday

on 14/08/2020

I have suffered with migraines from being a child ,because of all the bullying ,being a coeliac and from being in violent marriage when i was first married plus as having suffering with ear infections, tinitus plus having hot flushes ,just lately i have been getting a lot of them this hot weather doesnt help me or having hot flushes but the older i get the worse it gets it can be brought on by anxiety and fatigue to but mine is from when i was a child seeing my father in a mental hospital all through my childhood watching what he went through seeing what i saw in his hospital when mental hospitals were called lunatic asylums, hearing people screaming, watching everything mental hospitals are a lot different now in my dads day there were labotomys ,straight jackets and being only little i saw all this ,then having to go through identifying him when he fell to his death from his hospital window,,then having to look after my mother while she was dying of lung cancer all this and every thing on top that i had to cope with brought on my migraines and i still have them today and they dont get any better i take medication to help that  was perscibed for me to help stop the pain but having to deal with all my illnesses its hard to cope and trying to keep positive whith my breast cancer till i get my absolute all clear Tigger 

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