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Secondary colorectal cancer in lung
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Hello Emma, sorry to hear your story. I wonder if you can advise the cancer on your lung, was this detected at your annual scan ?
i had a ruptured bowel in September last year, life support and reduced coma following a 7 hour operation. They removed a 3.5cm tumour along with most of my bowel, ended up with a colostomy.
ive had chemo, ended up with blood clots in my lung. Just had my annual scan in September where they have found a small nodule in my lung which is tiny apparently only 6.8mm. I am having another scan in December but wondered whether your detection was a nodule or more than this. They said nodules are common but need to see if mine grows?....
any update would be much appreciated
kind regards x
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Last activity on 14/10/2022 at 11:22
Joined in 2017
2 comments posted | 1 in the Colorectal cancer Forum
hi I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in December 2015, I had radio and chemotherapy followed by surgery in 2016, this year in a follow up scan they found it had returned in my right lung, so I had more surgery to remove part of my lung, just wondering if anyone has any similar experiences of this