Co-Codamol (paracetamol codeine): Reviews and patient testimonials


Medication indications

Co-Codamol 15/500 Tablets

For the relief of moderate pain.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 15/500mg Film-coated Tablets

For the relief of moderate to severe pain in adults and children above 12 years.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 15mg/500mg Capsules

For the relief of moderate pain.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 15mg/500mg Tablets.

For the relief of moderate pain.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 30/500 Effervescent Tablets

For the relief of severe pain.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 30/500 Tablets

For the relief of severe pain.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-Codamol 30/500mg Effervescent Tablets

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 30mg/500mg Tablets

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 60/1000mg Film-coated Tablets

For the relief of moderate to severe pain in adults and adolescents 16 years and older.

Codeine is indicated in patients 16 years and older for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 8/500 Effervescent Tablets

For the short-term treatment of acute moderate pain which is not relieved by paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin alone such as headaches, migraine, neuralgia, toothache, dysmenorrhoea and rheumatic pain.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 8/500 effervescent tablets (POM)

For the relief of most painful and febrile conditions such as headache including migraine, neuralgia, toothache, sore throat, colds, influenza, dysmenorrhoea and rheumatic pain.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 8/500 Tablets

For the short-term treatment of acute moderate pain which is not relieved by paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin alone such as headaches, migraine, neuralgia, toothache, dysmenorrhoea and rheumatic pain.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol 8/500 tablets (POM)

This product is recommended for the relief of most painful and febrile conditions such as headache including migraine, neuralgia, toothache, sore throat, colds, influenza, dysmenorrhoea and rheumatic pain.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).


1) Co-codamol is indicated in children older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

2) As an antipyretic.

Co-codamol Effervescent Tablets 8/500mg

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

For the treatment of muscular and rheumatic pains, headache, migraine, neuralgia, toothache and period pains.

Co-codamol Effervescent Tablets 8/500mg (PL20417/0029)

For the treatment of pain, including muscular and rheumatic pains, headache, migraine, neuralgia, toothache, sore throat, period pains, aches and pains, discomfort associated with influenza, feverishness and feverish colds.

Codeine is indicated in patients older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Co-codamol Tablets 8/500mg (P)

Co-codamol is indicated in children older than 12 years of age for the treatment of acute moderate pain which is not considered to be relieved by other analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofen (alone).

Route of administration: Oral
Molecule: paracetamol, codeine

Patients' opinions on Co-Codamol

In brief

General satisfaction level: 6.17/10 Learn more

Treatment's effectiveness: 5.67/10 Learn more

Ease of use: 7.83/10 Learn more

Adherence to prescription: 7.00/10 Learn more

Detected side effects: 5.20/10 Learn more

Improvement in the quality of life: 6.67/10 Learn more

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

1 = Never
10 = Always

1 = Not at all important
10 = Extremely important

1 = Not at all satisfied
10 = Extremely satisfied

Tips and advice of the community

on 02/04/2024

I have several severe back problems which are : Lumbar Spine Degenerative Disease, Spinal Stenosis at 2 levels, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Scoliosis. I have been prescribed Morpine Liquid and Co codamol 30/500 by the pain consultant who recommended that I take 5 ml of morphine when required and the co codamol 30/500 to take 2 tablets 4 x a day. However the GP has gone against those wishes and I now have to take 1 co codamol 4 x a day and 2 mls of morphine. This is not helping me with the pain control at all. Any ideas much appreciated xxx

Your message

on 07/03/2023

I have taken Cocodamol for probably 30 years and it works for me. My prescribed dose is 2 tablets up to 4 times a day but I rarely need any more than 2 doses. I have never experienced any side effects at all. But it does keep my pain from severe osteoarthritis and Post Polio syndrome at a level where I can function and live my life as I want.

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on 07/05/2021

I only take these when my pain levels are really bad. They do take the edge of the pain but can make me a bit incoherent

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on 07/01/2020

I feel Co-codamol isn’t any use and the only reason I’m taking them is because I am definately addicted. I’ve mentioned these concerns to my gp to no avail.

i also take numerous other medications including liquid and or capsules of morphine from time to time for my back because I have 2 slipped discs and pain from the sciatic nerve.

luckily I have a medication review again next week so again going to voice my concerns. As well as these two medications I also take trospium tablets for my bladder, 6mg of diazepam for nerve pain, pregablin twice a day, and baclofen 2 times a day. I feel that hardly any of this medication is doing anything for my ms (except the trospium). I ideally would like to be medication free and have thought about taking CBD Oil instead? Anybody had experience about this or advice they could share with me? I am SPMS but most of the problems I have are invisible and not physical.

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lesmal • Ambassador
on 04/07/2019

Co-Codamol doesn't appear to help. Perhaps 'cos that's the amount of codeine I am prescribed in the tablet itself. It may help to ease the pain, but is not something I would use permanently.

Due to epilepsy, my doctor won't prescribe anything with a higher amount of Codeine. 

Your message

on 28/05/2019

Not found it very satisfactory

Your message

on 14/05/2019

Yes co codamol not good also / Naproxen I was Hospitalised twice after having these over a period of months now I only have Paracetamol 😔 Regards 


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on 29/06/2018

Causes constipation and drowsiness. Limited effect on reducing pain. Sometimes feel that side effects outweigh the limited benefits. Have reduced the amount I take over the years and I am now looking at alternative treatments with the chronic pain team.

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Members using this Co-Codamol