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How have you been feeling?
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Hi margarita
I'm just finished 20 sessions of radiotherapy and had my last check up with doc ..feeling back to myself now after 6 mth's of not been myself & in shock or denial ..back to work 3 wks life is looking good ..
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Hi @Waterford48 ,
Thank you for sharing! Really glad things are looking good for you!
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109 comments posted | 29 in the Breast cancer Forum
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That's a question that gets asked a great deal, the simple answer is: I really don't know the answer!
I've never been one to analyse my feelings, I tend to just get on with things. For the most part I try not to think about cancer and cancer treatment mainly because it makes me angry. The entire process has been an experience I could have done without!
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Last activity on 13/06/2022 at 17:12
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It’s been 9 months since I got my breast cancer clear result. Have had so many mixed emotions from anxiety stress anger but mainly happy that I got through it and get to appreciate life a whole lot more.

Unregistered member
That's great nikki45
I'm 6 mth's since I was diagnosed. .over radiotherapy since Jan ..had appt yest with specialist to see how i am doing on tamoxifen. .I'm getting trouble with heartburn and breast is swollen so am on antibiotics for infection and waiting to get camera down to see what's going on with my stomach ...have to get my marina coil removed asap as it has small amount of hormone and needs to be removed or it cud react with my hormonal tumor I had so never a dull moment

Unregistered member
I think I had too much going on, my husband died 7 months before I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
When I was diagnosed, I was in the process of selling the bungalow, I was packing and cleaning the place whilst having radiotherapy, I moved from the East Midland to the South East of England 9 months after being diagnosed,
I then had to make flat habitual, Christmas 17, I had a repeat of Optic Nerve shingles, it's been a long haul, but it has left me véry tired, as I have no help or backup.
I now taking a tonic to try and get some life back in my body,
I have also been referred to the falls clinic, as due to been so ill has left me weak, and I have been slipping over.
I hope 2018 will be a better year, I go out on coach trips, I like the ones which combine a river cruise, less walking, no falling over.

Unregistered member
I think I had too much going on, my husband died 7 months before I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
When I was diagnosed, I was in the process of selling the bungalow, I was packing and cleaning the place whilst having radiotherapy, I moved from the East Midland to the South East of England 9 months after being diagnosed,
I then had to make flat habitual, Christmas 17, I had a repeat of Optic Nerve shingles, it's been a long haul, but it has left me véry tired, as I have no help or backup.
I now taking a tonic to try and get some life back in my body,
I have also been referred to the falls clinic, as due to been so ill has left me weak, and I have been slipping over.
I hope 2018 will be a better year, I go out on coach trips, I like the ones which combine a river cruise, less walking, no falling over.
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Last activity on 19/12/2024 at 16:08
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30 comments posted | 20 in the Breast cancer Forum
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That’s interesting Waterford 48 about the marina coil. I’m on tamoxifen as well due to my hormones but when I asked my specialist about removing it they said it was ok. It’s due to come out next year anyway tg. I have an appointment with them again Friday so I will ask again. Take care everyone
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Last activity on 26/10/2017 at 09:45
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21 comments posted | 20 in the Breast cancer Forum
Hi... I finished my radiotherapy in November... & my boob still tender n turns red some days very red?? Anyone else have this. Does it ever go back normal?? Fed up of nattering about things to be then told it's ok it's normal?? Xx
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Unregistered member
Micmic mine is still very sore & pains slot more lately .doc said radiotherapy burnt so much inside it wil take mths to repair the damage it did to remove tumour ..iv appt with breast clinic in the morning so we see what he says about it x
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Last activity on 07/10/2020 at 11:39
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Hello everyone,
It's been a while since you've exchanged your thoughts and experiences in this group, so I thought I'd pop in and ask how are things going.
How have you been feeling? What's new?
Have you been preparing or been in for a treatment?
Have you learned anything lately that could be of use to others?
You are more than welcome to share what you have on your mind! We are here to support and to help.
I thank each and every one of you for the support you've been showing to each other lately and I hope we will continue in the same direction!