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Patients Diabetes (Type 2)
Well Controlled or not?
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Last activity on 22/05/2020 at 11:51
Joined in 2015
65 comments posted | 11 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
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Hi Anne...I was diagnosed around 2007 with Diabetes Type2 and was given a machine and strips. I asked for more strips and was told they don't do the ones I had so the receptionist gave me a new machine and got me a prescription for strips and lances only last week. So, you should be getting a machine and strips from your GP. Hope you get this sorted.
Best Wishes
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Last activity on 05/04/2021 at 17:55
Joined in 2016
11 comments posted | 6 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Things are different here in Ireland. Diabetes is covered under the chronic illness scheme. This means all medication, strips etc are covered and are given free on prescription. the monitors are given freely by the manufactures.
Good advisor
Last activity on 22/05/2020 at 11:51
Joined in 2015
65 comments posted | 11 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Good Advisor
These last 3 weeks I haven't checked my Blood Sugars at all due to the council refurbishing my kitchen. Everything is all over the place and not sure where everything is as yet!? My kitchen is all done and dusted ( I've only got half as much cupboards and work space as I used to have. Got to sort and throw lots of stuff out...Grr!) Now I can get back to normal, checking my BS and get back to my diet and exercises ( I am only able to do light exercises that I can manage due to health reasons, pains...and age) Although I have been making do all the time, I am pleased to say that my weight has NOT increased. I haven't checked my BS yet, I will do that tomorrow. I like to check my BS before breakfast. To be honest, I think it might have gone up some!?? as well as my colesterol due to making do with a couple of take-a-way's here and there (pie-n-mash and a couple of bags of chips) I will be glad to get back to the proper healthier foods that I am used to, not keen on the take-a-way stuff really.
Best Wishes
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Unregistered member
Hi Anne, I hope by now you have been given a blood glucose machine, however from what Diabetes UK told me most GP's no longer give them out due to they costs to their surgeries and the NHS. Go back to your nurse, if you have one, or your doctor, push for a monitor, explain that you are struggling to work out what to eat etc and even if they can let you have one for a few months you feel it will help you, I did this and explained I was too scared to eat as was terrified everything I was eating was hurting me, which is true but desperate times call for desperate measures. Failing all else you can buy a machine and strips online but these can work out expensive. My nurse initially told me to go away and come back in 3 months when they would re do the 3 month test and see how I got on, this didn't go down well and 2 weeks later I was back in an emotional state saying I couldn't cope with it, with the responsibility etc. The meter has helped a lot to work out what foods are triggering high levels and which ones so beg for one, it will make a big difference, although I am still struggling to keep my levels within the acceptable ranges, but my list of 'banned foods' seems to be growing. One thing I have realised is that having smaller portions more frequently helps, so I have half my dinner at 6, wait 2 hours then have the other half...that way I can keep my levels within the right ranges. Good luck and I really hope they give you a monitor.
Good advisor
Last activity on 28/04/2020 at 18:48
Joined in 2016
11 comments posted | 1 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Good Advisor
Hello fellow diabetic typos 2 .....I would raise is that not all diabetic type 2's are all the same ~ I control by diet only & yet my hubby has medication & diet. Neither of us are on insulin. (My hubby lost loads of weight & in doing so the Type 2 diabetic label was NO More. he was taken off diabetic medication), So it may be possible to reverse the symptoms your Drs advice is needed.
I was given a monitor when first diagnosed approx 4yrs ago. Since 18 months ago it has become obsolete. The Drs check regular 2 to 4 times a year through a blood test. Dependant if I am ill. The Dr told me the policy had changed. I did say to the Dr that the machine was a godsend when I was given it in the first place to check blood spiking. I felt more in control with the machine.
The hardest thing I found was to eat regularly, plus I don't like pasta & everything to eat was topped up with carbs.
But needless to say the advice above is valuable from fellow suffers . Monitor self & what foods give you the filled feeling, meal planning & portion control along with exercise are the key . Of which exercise still escapes me But I'm working on ....
You can buy your own monitors, just make sure you check the costs of all the items & that its recommended by Diabetic/NHS. Some you came get for free.
Its interesting to see the various practices across the country.
Thank you & Take care
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Last activity on 13/01/2022 at 16:57
Joined in 2016
10 comments posted | 2 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
I spoke to the diabetic nurse at my Doctors, and I had the lecture on what I should eat and not eat. The way she went on about the things I shouldn't eat, it made me feel like slitting my throat as there was no point in going on. This was only at the time by the way, I would never do that. I think it was just an angry response to what she was saying. I am no further forward in getting a monitor, as she did say they are no longer issued as type 2 diabetics don't need them, as per nice guidelines. So I think its time to go back and beg on hand and knee. Well if I could get down on my knees that is. My last two hba1c have been 7.5 and 7.2 so not sure if that is good or bad. When I have rung for the results, I am just told they are normal. What is normal I ask my self. Why is everything such a battle with the NHS.
Anyway thank you for all your responses, it has made me feel better that I am not alone in this.
Best wishes Anne
Good advisor
Last activity on 22/05/2020 at 11:51
Joined in 2015
65 comments posted | 11 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
Good Advisor
When I last checked my Blood Sugars on 22/3/16 it read 8.1 a bit above normal, in the too high range. And I'm feeling very annoyed with myself for letting this happen. I'm having problems now with getting back on track after my kitchen refurbishment plus, being upset by severe outbursts of Bipolar from hubby which has really thrown me these past few weeks and put me off track and I've been comfort eating on wrong foods. A few weeks back 28/2/16 my Blood Sugars check read 5.5 I was hovering around the 4.4 and 5.1-2 and I was doing fine with my diet and light exercises. I will have to try harder as I've been feeling extra tired/fatigued lately. Right foods and exercise is the answer. I can only do light exercises due to health reasons and they work for me.
Normal range according to my Record Book Chart, the highest in normal range 6.2 - 7.7 or in the lower range 4.5 - 6.1 Anything else other than those ranges are either too high or too low.
Best Wishes
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Unregistered member
Hi well i am getting all systoms eg tiredness, thirsty and sleepy etc etc peeing for england lol
The only thing that has been done is a urine dip stick that was normal. But my dad has type 2 and my grandad did. But what more can i do i already asked my gp about it

Unregistered member
When i had a panic attack a week ago my blood sugar was 3 :(
I have sometimes tested it before eating and after eating normally around 7
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Last activity on 13/01/2022 at 16:57
Joined in 2016
10 comments posted | 2 in the Diabetes (Type 2) Forum
I was diagnosed in January 2015 and as a type 2 diabetic, you no longer get offered the glucose monitor and strips. So my question is firstly how do I know that my sugar is well controlled, and secondly how do I know which foods raise or lower my blood sugar. I was told I would have to have a hba1c every three months, yet if I don't monitor when my next one is due the doctors don't offer it. So how are you supposed to take control of your diabetes? I have found this more of a problem when visiting hospital, as usually their first question is, is your sugar well controlled. So I have to answer I have no idea. Does anyone else think we should be given these monitors back?