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How can I support a loved one with ulcerative colitis?
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1,280 comments posted | 21 in the Ulcerative colitis Forum
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@Prisoner2508 Hello Prisoner2508, thank you for opening this discussion. I'm sorry to hear your son is struggling a bit with his diagnosis. Chronic illness can really make us feel isolated, especially when you're a teenager and all you want to do is fit in. Let me tag some other members who can share their advice with you.
Hello all, how are you today? How can Prisoner2508 best support her son through his UC? How have you coped with having to adapt your lifestyle to UC? Was it difficult for you as well? If you're a relative or friend of someone with UC, how to you support them? Do you have any words of support or advice to share?
@Trixi7 @hopekenna @lucyupchurchhotmail.co.uk @klon1710 @Tara10 @Stephanie123 @Tashpatz @kathdurbin @Caterpillar @san2020 @Cheesymoo12 @Lynowen @Rachel_short @Kerry_g @alun1942 @Kerrycoote @Zeekhan01
Feel free to share your thoughts and advice here, we're all here to support one another!
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
Last activity on 01/05/2022 at 23:55
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16 comments posted | 15 in the Ulcerative colitis Forum
@Prisoner2508 I don't know how I missed this or I would have commented earlier! I was diagnosed later on in life so I haven't experienced it personally, but I can imagine how hard that must be for him. He just wants to be one of the boys I imagine. It was hard for me adjusting my diet, it's hard to cut out the little foods that give us pleasure especially at the holidays and things. I know how hard that must be, especially when you're young and you just want to indulge on all the snack foods. I don't know if this will help, but he should try to remember that he himself hasn't changed as a person, he can still live a full live and do the things he loves, he just needs to modify them a bit. :)
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Ulcerative colitis Forum
My son has ulcerative colitis he was diagnosed at 16. He struggles to be one of the boys with his condition has his friends eat and drink what they like and he struggles with the concept that he can't have the same fatty foods chocolate etc all the time and he has flare ups quite often. We try and guide him through these difficult periods but it's a struggle. Does anyone have any words of advice for us all. Many thanks 😏