The Carenity Team: Léa Blaszczynski


Léa Blaszczynski

Lea is currently Communication Manager at Carenity. Her role is divided into three areas: BtoC communication for members and the general public (events, partnerships, etc.), BtoB communication and marketing for prospects and customers and internal communication.

Lea is a graduate of the European Communication School (ECS, Paris, France). Before joining Carenity, she worked as a community manager and web marketing officer at Groupama and then engagement manager at Carenity.

At Carenity since 2013, writing health articles holds no secrets for Léa. She has a particular interest in the fields of psychology, nutrition, and physical activity.

Léa holds a master's degree in communication with a focus in digital communication from European Communication School in Paris.

On the personal side, Léa likes baking, dance and sports.

Created: 27/01/2020 - Updated: 16/06/2021

This member's contributions to the Health Magazine

10 things you may not know about Carenity!

10 things you may not know about Carenity!

Fibromyalgia: Widespread, burning pain throughout the body

Fibromyalgia: Widespread, burning pain throughout the body

Intimacy with a chronic illness

Intimacy with a chronic illness

Living with Bipolar Disorder

Living with Bipolar Disorder

End-of-Lockdown Anxiety

End-of-Lockdown Anxiety

End of the COVID-19 Lockdown: How to Carry On with the Coronavirus?

End of the COVID-19 Lockdown: How to Carry On with the Coronavirus?

HIV and the Coronavirus

HIV and the Coronavirus

Rheumatoid Arthritis & the Coronavirus

Rheumatoid Arthritis & the Coronavirus

Obesity and diabetes: "Let's take control of our illness!"

Obesity and diabetes: "Let's take control of our illness!"

Endometriosis destroys women

Endometriosis destroys women

The 10 best vegetables for your health

The 10 best vegetables for your health

Cabin crew exposed to greater cancer risk, study finds

Cabin crew exposed to greater cancer risk, study finds

NASH: the first World Awareness day for fatty-liver disease

NASH: the first World Awareness day for fatty-liver disease

Lupus: between fatigue and joint pain

Lupus: between fatigue and joint pain

Foods that can make you happy!

Foods that can make you happy!

Diabetes and insulin in the eyes of the Carenity diabetics

Diabetes and insulin in the eyes of the Carenity diabetics

Ankylosing spondylitis: "I'll never stop being active in spreading the word about this disease!"

Ankylosing spondylitis: "I'll never stop being active in spreading the word about this disease!"

Diabetes nutrition tips: sugar and sugar substitutes

Diabetes nutrition tips: sugar and sugar substitutes

Diabetes nutrition tips: prevention and weight loss

Diabetes nutrition tips: prevention and weight loss

I refuse to be imprisoned by Type 2 diabetes

I refuse to be imprisoned by Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes and nutrition tips: Diet

Diabetes and nutrition tips: Diet

MS community: we all advance together, side by side

MS community: we all advance together, side by side

Diet and Irrritable Bowel Syndrome

Diet and Irrritable Bowel Syndrome

Osteoarthritis: "After sixteen years of suffering, I can finally live a normal life!"

Osteoarthritis: "After sixteen years of suffering, I can finally live a normal life!"

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