Nervous system diseases Forum

  •  1,174 members
  •  22 discussions

Start discussions in this group about the condition that affects you. Share your experience on your quality of life, the impact of treatments and practical tips with the community.

Patients Nervous system diseases

Medical fact sheet

Nervous system diseases

 Living with neurological diseases

Have you heard of Functional Neurological Disorder?

avatar Somya.P

 Living with neurological diseases

Trigeminal neuralgia

avatar Silverlady

avatar baheersayed

avatar charlesdickens99

 Living with neurological diseases

Do I have cervical dystonia?

avatar charlesdickens99

avatar SunshineW

avatar Rahul.R

 Living with neurological diseases

Brown sequard syndrome

avatar Rahul.R

 Living with neurological diseases

Norrie disease, strange symptom

avatar Rahul.R

 Living with neurological diseases

Doctorate Thesis-Online study about Chronic Pain & Stigma

avatar lesmal

avatar robjmckinney

avatar Courtney_J

 Living with neurological diseases

Falling down stairs

avatar lesmal

 Living with neurological diseases

Arnold Chiari Malformation

avatar ljc1969

avatar Astra1547

 Living with neurological diseases

Arnold chari malformation

avatar Galvin

avatar GloriaG

 Living with neurological diseases


avatar JosephineO

 Living with neurological diseases

Epilepsy Treatment

avatar lesmal

avatar Speech

avatar simma18615

 Living with neurological diseases

New device to prevent sudden death from epilepsy

 Living with neurological diseases

Huntington Disease

avatar BobDowning

 Living with neurological diseases

Living with seizures - no matter if psychological!

avatar Lauras1122

avatar juju71

avatar Julesbaby

 Living with neurological diseases

Excercise to prevent seizures

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