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What helps you get through your OA?
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 18 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
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@Barrynut Hello Barrynut, thank you for starting this discussion! I'm so glad you've got a little furry friend to help you! Animals can be such a wonderful addition to the family and help us in so many ways!
Hello members, I hope you don't mind that I've tagged you. Let's share! What or who helps you through your worst days with OA? Do you have a friend, family member or a pet like Barrynut? Are there any particular activities or past times that you enjoy that help you? Feel free to share with us all here!
@Crissy202 @Un4getablefox @Ali2376 @cazmarelda @Khursh @newonecopd @Karen71 @Lynlynne @TylerMacHamilton @kellee55 @lotsapain80 @StMary @Peter120 @Ymalco @Binbin @StrongTea
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
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Last activity on 04/05/2020 at 12:22
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3 comments posted | 2 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
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Hi Everyone
Can I just add that I do have a great family round me,well at these times they call me.
I do a lot of colouring which I love doing, this can take my mind off it all.
Music is also important to me too and I'm always listening to my favorite songs.
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Last activity on 27/10/2021 at 15:13
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13 comments posted | 13 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
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@Barrynut I understand how you feel. Getting through life is so hard when you can barely manage basic tasks anymore like me. I have my family and my hobbies that keep me going as well. What kind of dog do you have?
Unregistered member
I have OA in almost every joint in my body and suffer pain all the time. It is worse since the lock down, as the Gym and swimming pool is closed. That really helped me a lot. Doing weights in the gym helped strengthen my bones and swimming helped relax my muscles. But I do a lot of chair exercises for seniors, and that certainly helps me with the pain. I don't take any medication for it, but do take supplements such as Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Hyaluronic acid, Ginger, Fish oils Turmeric and they do help. keeping your mind occupied and enjoying the hobbies can also help a great deal. Being positive is very important. Saying to yourself "I can do it, I am going to beat this, this is not going to slow me down, helps a lot too. Try it, you never know. I will be interested to know if you tried any of these and if they helped. Relaxing in a hot bath of Magnesium sulphate once a week for 20 minutes is beneficial.
Good luck
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Last activity on 29/03/2023 at 15:48
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20 comments posted | 18 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
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@Barrynut I agree, OA can make it really difficult. Getting out for walks really helps me both for the OA pain and keeping me limber, but also for keeping me centred. Walking through the forest really calms me and I look forward to it every week.
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Last activity on 02/08/2023 at 11:25
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12 comments posted | 10 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
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@Courtney_J My wife and I have started doing tai chi together by watching videos and we're really enjoying it. It's very relaxing and she's found that it's helped with ease of movement in her knee. Hope all are well!
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Last activity on 28/06/2022 at 09:50
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14 comments posted | 12 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
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@Courtney_J I have two little rescue dogs. I have had OA in the top of my spine and both knees for 25 years now and sadly, it is now everywhere. So much that I am in constant pain. My lumbar spine is so very painful.
My little dogs bring me so much love and laughter and when I just had the one, 9 years ago I would take him down to the beach sometimes twice a day. Even when I rescued my Olly in 2014 I could manage to take them down the beach in my car.
Over the last 3 years the pain and the stiffness have had me beat and so I have spoken to two vets and both have said tat providing they both have access to the garden, which they always do, not to worry about trying to take them to the beach, which meant I was walking down a steep slope.
I have carers for 2x2 hours a week and they take Olly for a walk. Peanut does have arthritis in his back legs and will not go.
I interact with them in my home and have dog treat puzzles for them and I also make sure they are well loved and looked after. I do throw the ball down the hallway or in the garden.
I prefer dogs to some people and had words with a neighbour who was just letting her dog run free around the scheme we live on, Her dog was coming to my garden fence and both my dogs were barking and growling and so I asked if my neighbour could put her dog on a lead when out and this neighbour was so very nasty to me and said that my dogs 'did not see the light of day' ridiculous because they are in and out all day. What she meant was I did not walk them and she made me feel terrible.
I am waiting for TKR's and also will need my hips replacing, My lumber spine goes into spasms and altogether the pain is too much to walk alone some days.
Peanut is 13 and Olly is 11 and so I would no way re-home them. Peanut knows only me and Olly was badly treated in his first home.
This woman knows I have OA and yet she said that and I feel like it was using my disability against me and it really hurt. Withing 10 days we all had letter off the HA saying 'No dogs should be off lead on the scheme' so someone had heard and reported her.
Each day now I feel I should be taking them out, although Peanut is in pain himself. Some people can never understand how it feels to be in so much pain.
I think dogs are the best therapy to be companions and I would love nothing better than to run on the beach with them or run through fields.
I sit in the warm weather with the back door open and they go in and out can see them from where I sit and I love watching them and cuddling them.
The neighbour is 82 and I am 63 and she is able bodied and I have not been since 39. So I always would recommend a pet to anyone. I guess I will never feel comfortable again and my vet just laughed and said 'Ignore her, your dogs are healthy and you love them and they love you'
People can be so hurtful and there was no need, but some people really do think some of us are 'putting it on' and nothing could be further from the truth!
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Last activity on 29/03/2024 at 23:18
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11 comments posted | 1 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
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I have have OA in my back, hip and knee .
My family are brill with me.
I make my own cards.
Caron x
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Last activity on 27/10/2023 at 11:15
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68 comments posted | 8 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
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I have got it in my hips knees and hands and wrists should have had one hip replaced 10 years ago but found i had breast cancer so it was put to one side. Ive not slept for 10 years tossing from one side to the other with the pain. The only time im pain free is when im sitting then when i get up im in agony till i get going and if i bend down the right hip feels like its come out of socket i yell out the pains so bad and im a tough cookie i cant stand up straight till its gone back in place ive got an appt at the hospital xray dept 11th sept to have both hips xrayed hoping they can help this time as ive fell a few times just gives way. My saving grace is my gardens its always been my hobby and i still do my lawns every 4 days as its like hoovering.
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Ms s lovatt
Last activity on 22/08/2024 at 16:38
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6 comments posted | 4 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
Hello everybody, I'd like to know if anyone has any advice for someone like me.
I am 74, live alone in a flat with no garden, and I am not allowed any animals, even if I could take care of one.
I have OA in all my joints and now find even walking with my walker is very limited because of my back and my knees. The only part of me that doesn't hurt are my hips which were replaced 15 years ago. I can tell they are wearing out because, like before the op, one leg is much shorter than the other and increases the difficulty and pain in walking . I am too heavy to be considered for further surgery. I also have M.S. which also causes a lot of nerve pain, epilepsy (which is controlled) and high blood pressure, so I am on a lot of medication.
I'm trying to learn new hobbies, but at the moment all hobbies I do are sedentary - TV, reading, and I spend a lot of time on my laptop. All of these usually take my mind off my pain, but sometimes the pain is too severe. I have to get up to do basic housework, like washing up, but I have to sit down once or twice during it because I can't stand too long.
I have been going to a once-a-week drop-in centre for people with long-term or life-limiting conditions. I have made friends and we do arts and crafts, but Covid-19 has stopped all that.
Sorry to go on like this and moan, but it's late at night and I have no-one else to talk to. Mostly I'm OK during the day, and certainly don't sit around feeling sorry for myself, but finding the motivation to do things like exercise is difficult when I'm by myself. I don't have the self-discipline!
Thanks for reading and any suggestions would be welcome x
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Last activity on 04/05/2020 at 12:22
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3 comments posted | 2 in the Osteoarthritis Forum
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Since I've had this horrible OA I like most suffers find it so hard to get on with life,it's always been a struggle.
It's in most my joints and as you all know the pain is just awlful,well my life change just a few weeks ago when we I finally got the dog I had longed for,oh I'm still in so much pain but she gives me that reason to get up walk around the garden which I never did she's a rescue dog but she also rescued me.