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Psoriatic arthritis and the Coronavirus - How are you reacting to the pandemic?
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Last activity on 13/10/2022 at 16:47
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1,280 comments posted | 14 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
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@painy1989 Hello painy1989, thank you for starting this discussion, I think many members may be worried during this difficult time.
Hello members, I hope you don't mind me tagging you! How are you during during self-isolation? How are you feeling? Do you have any advice for painy?
@Nessa01 @Shelchabers @Becksderby74 @gremlinjen @Happychick46 @Missy1967 @earthspirit @Katrinamarie @JACKKAITLIN @Heatherlau @Joanmiddleton @RONNIE @Andy56 @BevLeigh74 @sirtaki @Shelbymilo20
Take care,
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Courtney_J, Community Manager, Carenity UK
Last activity on 15/04/2020 at 13:00
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
Thank you for tagging me. Im OK thank you. Just missing seeing my grandkids so thank god for face time. Hope you are OK and staying safe through this difficult time ❤ xxxxx
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R Walker
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Last activity on 07/08/2020 at 15:38
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10 comments posted | 8 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
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We're doing alright. This is certainly a strange time we're living in. Fortunately my son's employer was quick on getting everyone ready to work from home, so he's staying safe at home. My wife and I video chat with him regularly in his flat. He seems to be keeping up his morale. I think working helps as it keeps his mind off of things. Hope everyone is staying safe as well!
Last activity on 30/01/2021 at 12:22
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7 comments posted | 7 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
Morning folks, Im keeping well being positive and just getting on with it. We ve had beautiful weather last few days but not going to lie much happier with the cooler weather today so I lose my sausage hands 🤪 might get a few DIY jobs done today now! 🙂 like everyone else missing family like mad but the kids are keeping us all on our toes and putting the time in they ve done great considering how much has changed for them. Hope your all well and continue to be x
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Last activity on 13/04/2021 at 22:46
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5 comments posted | 2 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
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I just trying to stay positive. I put happy tunes on and just pot around just to keep my joints moving. I started a jigsaw as well. And word search books to keep my mind on top form. Most of the time, I take a deep breath to get me going. But I take each day as it comes.
Happy chick 46
Last activity on 22/04/2020 at 22:45
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
Hi everyone I have just joined I have scoriatic arthritis I’m on a waiting list for elbow surgery last saw consultant on 17th March in sooooo much pain at. Minute
Last activity on 30/01/2021 at 12:22
Joined in 2018
7 comments posted | 7 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
Morning hope yous are all keeping well, @RONNIE my parents are missing the grandkids like mad too! the weens are video calling everyday but just not the same everyone cant wait for hugs lol
Hope the pains arent to bad this week folks, my hands and feet have been a bit of a bugger a shower in the mornings help but otherwise not so bad. Changed to the sulfasalazine from methotrexate and defo not as good with the pains etc but I can stomach it soooo much better! Stay safe folks x
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Last activity on 30/03/2021 at 18:02
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1 comment posted | 1 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
Hi all,
I just joined. I have PsA but am not on any autoimmune inhibitors. However, despite Lockdown I've contracted an upper respiratory infection (not CV-19) and am now on antibiotics. Am wondering how this happened - is our immune system compromised even if we aren't taking any meds? Anyone know? Thank you x
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Last activity on 22/04/2022 at 17:30
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30 comments posted | 3 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
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Hi everyone
Same here I had a nasty respiratory infection In February so my gp took me off methotrexate as I went on antibiotics and then covid19 hit. Had a telephone conversation instead with my specialist nurse and it's just wait n see what happens once covid19 finishes.
I'm shielding as have other health problems. That put me at high risk.
Been shielding now 7 weeks. With no end in sight. No meds for the PsA now and no further contact either from rheumatologist. It was actually gp who shielded me.
Tj ❤
Last activity on 07/08/2020 at 15:26
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6 comments posted | 6 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
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@Cheslyn @Trudij I can't imagine getting sick through all of what's been going on, I imagine you both were so scared! Hope you're better now! I don't know for sure, but with our condition our immune systems are overreacting so I wouldn't be surprised if we are more likely to fall ill since the system is overworked. An interesting question to as my GP or rheumie if I ever see them again!
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Living with psoriatic arthritis
Which joints or parts of your body are affected by psoriatic arthritis? Are both sides affected?
Living with psoriatic arthritis
What is your biggest daily challenge whilst living with psoriatic arthritis?
Well where do I start!
I get frustrated by the constant exhaustion in my muscles. The slightest action feels like I have just done a work out to that part of my body whether it be an arm or a my legs for example.
I am aware that my disease isn't managed at all yet even though I have been diagnosed 18 months or so. It just feels like Russian Roulette with my medication as to whether I will be allowed to continue it from one blood test to the next as my liver rebells.
Everyday a new part of my body starts to creak and feel stiff and painful. To be honest it's scaring me just how quickly things are progressing. It is really getting me down. I can't walk far, self care is difficult . I'm determined to be independent so I'll struggle to succeed in the task.
I want to have the energy to get through my day as I work full time running a women's refuge which is mentally very demanding but fortunately not too physically. I'm so tired at the end of each day. It's an uncomfortable exhaustion. I also suffer from Narcolepsy diagnosed at a similar time to the arthritis, and this also gives me fatigue- I have a double whammy of fatigue.!
I am shielding at the moment so I have had a chance to rest. The first week off work I slept solidly and now I feel more rested. I confess I am anxious about becoming so exhausted again but I am determined this illness won't stop me from doing what I love.
Overall I feel distressed with it all and just want it to go away, My healing has gone to pot. I have put weight on as I can't exercise, I dread going upstairs and at times I just don't know how to deal with it.
Sorry to sound so down hearted, I just don't feel I can bring any positivity to this discussion.
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Living with psoriatic arthritis
Which joints or parts of your body are affected by psoriatic arthritis? Are both sides affected?
Living with psoriatic arthritis
What is your biggest daily challenge whilst living with psoriatic arthritis?
Well where do I start!
I get frustrated by the constant exhaustion in my muscles. The slightest action feels like I have just done a work out to that part of my body whether it be an arm or a my legs for example.
I am aware that my disease isn't managed at all yet even though I have been diagnosed 18 months or so. It just feels like Russian Roulette with my medication as to whether I will be allowed to continue it from one blood test to the next as my liver rebells.
Everyday a new part of my body starts to creak and feel stiff and painful. To be honest it's scaring me just how quickly things are progressing. It is really getting me down. I can't walk far, self care is difficult . I'm determined to be independent so I'll struggle to succeed in the task.
I want to have the energy to get through my day as I work full time running a women's refuge which is mentally very demanding but fortunately not too physically. I'm so tired at the end of each day. It's an uncomfortable exhaustion. I also suffer from Narcolepsy diagnosed at a similar time to the arthritis, and this also gives me fatigue- I have a double whammy of fatigue.!
I am shielding at the moment so I have had a chance to rest. The first week off work I slept solidly and now I feel more rested. I confess I am anxious about becoming so exhausted again but I am determined this illness won't stop me from doing what I love.
Overall I feel distressed with it all and just want it to go away, My healing has gone to pot. I have put weight on as I can't exercise, I dread going upstairs and at times I just don't know how to deal with it.
Sorry to sound so down hearted, I just don't feel I can bring any positivity to this discussion.
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Last activity on 01/12/2022 at 16:58
Joined in 2020
10 comments posted | 5 in the Psoriatic arthritis Forum
I saw the discussion on methotrexate and the coronavirus, but as I'm not on that I thought I would create this one. :) How are you all coping?
I had a nasty respiratory infection in January that I've been trying to recover from so they took me off my biologic and put me on antibiotics. It's been hell without my medication but I'm struggling through and self-isolating. I was supposed to see my doctor a week ago but the appointment got cancelled.
Have you all been in touch with your doctor? Have any tips for dealing with all this?