Multiple sclerosis Forum

  •  1,760 members
  •  48 discussions

Post on this group all links, articles or web pages that caught your attention and have to do with the disease (treatment, medical research, therapeutic innovation, seminars on the disease or any event)

Patients Multiple sclerosis

Medical fact sheet

Multiple sclerosis

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

What is spacticity in MS patients?

avatar harpingmad

avatar Margarita_k

avatar KeithDB

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

9 Tips for managing cognitive problems

avatar jamesm

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

10 best exercises for MS patients

avatar weefeemcdee

avatar MSFitness

avatar Margarita_k

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

MS drug hope for secondary-progressive stage

avatar JosephineO

avatar stutaylor

avatar Jennie

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

Travelling with MS

avatar Barbie69

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

7 Tips for Beating MS Fatigue

avatar chapmanjersey

avatar Margarita_k

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis symptoms improved with fruit and veg

avatar Dawsie61

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

7 Tips to manage MS during wintertime

avatar GalDriver

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

Man with multiple sclerosis can walk again after radical stem cell therapy

avatar walk21

avatar Motaway

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

Charity to fund MS specialist nurse posts for first time

avatar aglowlady

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

10 Tips for People Newly Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis

avatar Ron Smith

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

Brain inflammation linked to depression in multiple sclerosis

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis


avatar Margarita_k

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

Finally, Attention Switches To Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

avatar walk21

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis

Wondering how MS will affect me today

avatar Adielaw

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis


avatar jay1508

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis


avatar Lyn14a

avatar Gilda

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis


avatar Lyn14a

avatar dogden

 Research and useful tips - Multiple Sclerosis


avatar Margarita_k

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