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@Courtney_J If it's overwhelming, as in I can't keep my eyes open, I have a nap for up to an hour, even 10 minutes gives me that boost. If it's only slight, I get up and do something to keep myself awake.

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Find a good thriller film , makes me forget any worries , might seem a bit bizarre but works for me

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Having had epilepsy for over 50 years, my skin has been affected by allergic reactions and more due to constant medications. I am also allergic to wheat, dairy, protein, spices, and seafood which cause havoc on the skin. Perfumes, colors, fragrances, and chemicals in washing powder, dishwashing liquids, etc. also cause problems.

I stopped wearing makeup several years ago due to reactions, and only use hypoallergenic soaps, creams, and shampoo/conditioner.

My skin has always been very dry and I have found the Simple range good for skin problems/sensitivity. I also use Vaseline Repair Cream after a shower which definitely has helped rejuvenate dry skin.

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@LizziB I see it from a different perspective. He's not the only person with cancer, and by sharing it of course gets top VIP treatment from the Government, the public and private medical professionals. Many people are still on a horrific waiting list for diagnosis alone but because of the royalty and his title he is immediately treated. My husband has both skin and prostate cancer and deals with the government hospitals like the normal public. He has waited 4 years alone for radiotherapy treatment which he only started yesterday. Hormonal injections, chemotherapy, waiting for hospital and doctor's appointments, cancellation of appointments and more have had a massive impact on both of us, including all of the side effects that have come with the treatment so far given. I am so grateful to the NHS for all they have done for him so far.

I don't agree with the way it takes over the news, media and more when other people with cancer are just left alone.

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