Patients Depression
Feeling alone
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Unregistered member
Hey!! I'm really sorry to hear about your growing sense of loneliness! I also, not once, but multiple of times have felt like there was noone around when I needed them the most. Or, in other cases, even when there are a million of people around you, it's easy to still feel the emptiness and loneliness. That's when the devil, aka 1000 forms of anxiety step in :/ There is no quick or easy solution for this, but from personal experience, I can only recommend embracing the situation. Nothing lasts forever, and that includes emotions and states of being. You're not going to always feel like this, so try to get comfortable with spending time on your own, turn in into something productive for YOU. Read, take up a hobby, whatever it is, be sure to always DO something, even if it's on your own. BED is your biggest enemy right now (and a trap), and basically only stay in bed when it's time to go to sleep. Once you feel more comfortable, less anxious at this state of being, it's time to surround yourself with all of the beautiful, unique humans that this Earth has got to offer. Don't hide away; it will be hard, it will be stressful, but taking baby steps (like I did, yesterday), such as going for a (short) walk, or a coffee with a friend will make it x10 times better and you'll soon become a pro again at being less lonely :) Talking always helps too, be it via e-mail/social network/skype/phone/text/diary.. never let the anxiety fester and become a full grown beast!! X

Unregistered member
Dear HohayG, Happy New Year 2015! I'm feel lonely too. 100% agreed with melbozo Best!

Unregistered member
HoHay, Sorry to read you feel so alone and useless. Why do you feel stupid and pathetic? Dont listen to these internal thoughts. Reject them. You have a friend who loves you more than your parents. THis person thinks you are beautiful, fantastic and has more good thoughts about you than are grains of sand on the beach.
What sort of support are you looking for?
Dont let Fear grip you or control you. Perfect Love casts OUT ALL Fear. Dont let lies of the enemy let you believe any of those things you say about yourself. THe Enemy, the thief, comes to kill, stael and destroy. You need the Light of the World in you to cast out darkness.
Chat away to me.
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Hey, I could really use some help at the moment, I feel like everyone who's supposed to be there to support me isn't, I can't talk to anyone as when I do I feel stupid and pathetic.. I seem to be getting worse and worse, I'm getting really anxious and today when I went out, jumped at my own shadow. I'm feeling so alone and useless, can anyone suggestions anything?