Patients Depression
Is this fair?
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Last activity on 23/05/2020 at 08:44
Joined in 2016
Hello, if you want to talk to someone who understands your difficulties then you can contact me, I've been through a lot of shit like you and understand how you must be feeling. Contact me and we can talk, don't do anything silly ok? You are not worthless so please remember that. Look forward to talking to you. Laurie
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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
1 of their responses was helpful to members
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Good Morning . I do hope that today you are feeling a little brighter regarding your outlook to life? It was sad to read your post. Your life must appear to be so dark and unforgiving at this present moment in time.
Life can be so unfair .
Be yourself, don't look at other peoples lives and compare them with your own as you will never find happiness or peace. We all compare why some people "appear" to have it all when your life seems so unfair/crappy. Deep down ,they may be feeling the same ;unsatisfied.
You appear to have been through so much but don't give up; turn your life around.
You say that you can't get a job ? Do some volunteering work. I work with young adults/adults who need support with every day life that most of us take for granted. It is not only rewarding but it puts your own problems in to prospective.
Who is it that is bullying you?
When starting new medication, the body reacts until they get in to your system. Return to your GP and be honest with her. Embrace what she is telling you. There really is no point in just going through the motions if you aren't 100% committed to wanting to change your life for the better.
You have to dig deep and find the strength from within to go out and find "it" as it won't come to you. Only you can make good things happen. Medication/counselling can only help to a certain extent but the really hard work has to come from you. No one else can do it.
You really need to re- learn to love yourself instead of self loathing. Learn not to be so critical of yourself. I am sure that you are liked ; however due to your low self esteem you don't see it.
We all have something "to offer" ,we just need to discover what it is.
None of us can change the past but we can choose which path we take for a our future. Focus on the 'Here and now" not what has gone on previously.
Find a way to release your anger, vent it by going on a long walk, some physical activity; anything that will not only release your frustration but it will also be releasing the "happy hormones". Do things to make you feel good about yourself.
Learn to accept the help being offered and try not to push it away.
Take the time to really notice the flowers instead of the weeds.
For every negative thought , replace it with a positive one.
Don't let the bullies or your brother be the winners. Prove to others that you have so much to offer which you do.
Sending big hugs + positive thoughts that you will soon be shining both inside and out.
Little by little, day by day.
Keep posting as it can only be beneficial in the long run.

Unregistered member
Hello my friend,
please try and talk to your Dr again about your medication it sounds like sertraline just don't suit you and there are several alternatives if you really don't feel able to talk to her is there another Dr at the surgery that you could see. You could also try talking to your pharmacist about the headaches as they probably know more about the different medications.
Is there a branch of Mind by you, maybe they can help. There is a helpline called mental health matters, it's free even from mobiles and deals specifically with mental health problems. They are all trained to help. I've put some of the phone numbers below some of the numbers but if you don't live in the areas I'm sure you can still ring them.
Please ring the NHS number 111 if you can't get any help and are desperate, they will help.
It may seem like you are alone but really you aren't, hopefully seeing the answers to your post will show you that people care and although everyones experiences are different most folk who have suffered with depression or any other mental health problem will recognise the feelings of desperation, confusion and wretchedness.
Please also talk to a dentist about your teeth falling out, it could be something easy like a lack of calcium or vitamin D, or mention it to the Doctor or pharmacist.
When you feel stronger you could do as it gets better suggests and try volunteering, even if it's only an hr in a charity shop, they will be very grateful and it means you will meet new people.
You are not worthless, you've had a lot to deal with and feel like you are sinking deeper into the hole but you are still hanging on to the ladder- coming on here and typing your post shows that and slowly you will be able to climb a bit higher. I can't promise it'll be easy or that you won't feel like s*** again but you are a survivor and very special.
A few weeks ago I was desperate and the people on here helped me to realise I am not alone. My problems aren't the same as yours but at the time I couldn't see a way out and yes there are still bad days but knowing that I could be myself and talk on here, let all my feelings out and not be judged. Be accepted as I was, as I am, has helped.
In time you may feel able to use your experience to help others but for now allow people to support you and please talk to a dr, pharmacist or 111 and please tell them how bad you are feeling, how desperate you are feeling and that you have had thoughts of harming yourself.
Sending big hugs xx
Coventry & Warwickshire:
0800 616171
0800 085 1718
5pm-9am 24 hours weekends& Bank Holidays
Kent & Medway:
0800 107 0160
MHM Tenants:
0800 085 1720
0800 052 7350
6pm-6am 7 days a week
0300 3230101
If you can't get help through them please ring
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Last activity on 22/10/2022 at 12:59
Joined in 2016
19 comments posted | 3 in the Depression Forum
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Hi, I've been bullied most of my life. I am still going through it with my work right now, so I do understand where you are coming from, please contact me via email to have a chat if you need too. I'm desperatly trying to get out of my job, and find another. I was accused of something I did'nt do and the took the side of the person who lied about me, so going into work is a nightmere, I'm not sleeping, or eating very well, I'm always feeling ill, my health is not good, and i'm always in pain. Please don't give up you are still young enough, try and find something you like doing, and explore it. I love to sing and it really makes me feel better when i've been to singing lessons. Go and study in a college on something you would really love to do. one you get your foot on the ladder of what you love, then things should brighten up. Never mind other people, concentrate on yourself first, then others will come along when you and they are ready. Doing something you love with others you will find hopefully someone to connect too, and build up a friendship. You need to sort yourself out first, try other anti depressants till you find the one that suits you. Clear your head and go for a walk. You need to find something to make you feel positive about yourself. I know it is not easy when you feel the way you do, but please try something. I've been a manic depressive since childhood. and still suffer extreamly bad days even now. But I have no support in work. At home i'm not so bad as it's my safe place to be. Again please email me if you want to chat, and hope you find something and some peace soon in your life. Go ahead and live it.
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Last activity on 28/05/2022 at 16:47
Joined in 2016
11 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
My brother who has stole from people, jacked cars, been in prison, raped me when I was 7, beat me up when I was a little kid "for taking something out of his room" (which I never did), does drugs, drug dealing, has a good life, has friends, a girlfriend and a baby on the way.
Then there's me, never bullied anyone, never stole from anyone, didn't hurt people like he did, has never raped anyone or beaten someone up, gets the shitty life, I've been bullied for 14+ years which is still going on today, has to live with flashbacks of the rape for the rest of my life, have no friends, no family members to talk to, doctor doesn't really care about me, mental health issues, diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 18, losing teeth randomly,
How is any of this fair? I have done nothing to anyone yet, he has done loads of things to people yet, I get the rubbish life, I feel like a complete failure in my life, I have no job (I have no experience so no one will employ me). My brother has a criminal record and can still get a job, I just want to know if this is fair or not, I feel like I am being punished for something I have never done, I want to reach out to people and get help, but I don't know where to start, I can't go back and use Samaritans because they judged me, so I have no one else to turn to, the group I go to has kicked me out for being "19" I'm done with this shit, No, I am not feeling sorry for myself, I don't want anyone's pity.
I'm just being punished for something I don't even know I have done, everyone I know has a better life than me, the bullies who have tormented me for years have better lives than me, they have families, jobs, friends, babies, I have planned to kill myself if my life doesn't get better and now its starting to look like I will have to do it.
My doctor "supposedly" sent a form of to a counselling place, I know there is not a list because when I did it I got in straight away, I have had no phone call, no message, haven't heard anything. The pills she put me on, Sertraline, they have given me headaches that last 2-3 days after I take them so I refuse to take them anymore. My teeth have been falling out for no reason, I brush my teeth every day, I eat healthy.
No one really likes me I can see it in there faces, people at the group I go hate me and they slip insults out when they can. The group leader, said "blondes are dumb" I was the only blonde person in the room, when we did the "name game" the question was "What do you like to do with your friends?" She skipped me out of that question, because they assume I have no friends. I am just sick of this happening to me, people sit there and wonder why I want to die so much, probably because I am being punished for something that I don't know that I did.
I can see clearly that someone up there really wants me to end my life, if not why is my life so shit? Why is this happening to me? I'm just ready to call it quits and go do what I was meant to do years ago, my life has been doomed from the very start.
Sorry this is long, I just needed some advice, or someone to at least talk to, before I do what I need to do.