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negative thoughts
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Unregistered member
Hi overthis
i too suffer with overwhelming negative thought patterns. I suffer with depression and social anxiety. There is sadly no quick/easy way out of this. Currently I am trying to change my negative thoughts by focussing on what I am grateful for. I do believe that happiness is a choice, but will take a great deal of work to get there.
In the morning before I get out of bed, I write in a little journal three things that im grateful for. I have noticed that I get out of bed with happy positive thoughts more often than depressing negative ones, so this is a step forward.
I would encourage you to try this as it's working for me.
Maria x
Good advisor
Last activity on 02/12/2024 at 16:59
Joined in 2015
8 comments posted | 4 in the Depression Forum
Good Advisor
Good idea write three things in a journal that your grateful for. Or same thing really " accept the things you can't change and be grateful for the things you have "
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Unregistered member
Hi Overthis
Sorry to read that you had an abusive childhood and adulthood.
NOBODY or child should ever have to suffer this trauma at the hands of anyone. No wonder you suffer with Depression. Don't worry what 'man' will label you. The 'professions' have to do that so they can pigeon-hole us.
You have a Father in Heaven who loves you more than you will ever know, understand or believe. We read in the book of Zephania .. The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves] He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with Singing.
Jesus came to set the captives free (what ever pain, hurt etc, keeps you captive from freedom)
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor (in spirit and finance) He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to deliver all who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity]"
Cry out to the Prince of Peace and ask him to come in to your heart
See this story about a lady who was abused as a child. (There are others in English)

Unregistered member
With all the respect I don't think religion is for everyone or the answer to everyhting, but I do believe that selfless love from someone that cares about you our selfless love from you to someone that needs it can help you overcome many things. I am sorry you went through an abussive childhood @overthis I hope that now you are better.
I am here if you need someone to talk.

Unregistered member
I agree Aria. No one should suffer religion and its not the answer to a lot of 'mans' ills. Jesus hates most forms of religion. I also agree in selfless love from someone. Who should that someone be, and what form should selfless love take?
Should we die to self to save our life?
Talking to someone is not selfless love. Listening to someone can make the enquirer puffed up, if their motive or heart is wrong.
I listened and read many many times of people saying "my (GP, Therapist, Councellor, etc, etc) didn't listen to me, or 'help me".
a student is not above their teacher.
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Unregistered member
Hi I have suffered from depression my whole life after a very abusive childhood and adulthood and as of last yr I was told I have borderline personality disorder I find this very hard to cope with as all my thoughts are negative no matter how hard I try to change