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I get very frustrated with this copd I want to do things but I cant due to coughing and do I find out what level copd im at ??
Last activity on 09/04/2021 at 11:03
Joined in 2015
I am in begin stages of COPD and am tired all the time is there anything I can do to change this?
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Last activity on 03/02/2023 at 15:26
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710 comments posted | 20 in the COPD Forum
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Dose anyone has some tips or advice for this questions??? Don't be shy, remember that sharing can help us all to cope and prevent.
All the best,
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Last activity on 22/05/2020 at 11:51
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65 comments posted | 6 in the COPD Forum
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Have you had a yearly C.O.P.D. spirometer test done yet? The GP or nurse who does the test would tell you. I am 75% I think that is stage2. It can all be so frustrating. I don't know any difference really because I have suffered with severe Asthma since I was 6 years old. I taught myself through a book that I read sometime in 1975 ' Self Help For Your Nerves' The book taught me how not to panic and take things in my stride so I can cope with my own issues as well as other issues that occur. I am laid back these days, so laid back that people think that I don't care about anything. I do get very short of breath and coughing but, I find I can cope by using the self help method that I practice almost every day. Breathing exercises are a must too and if you are able to do physical exercise that is good for you too. I am limited to what exercises I can do so, I just do light exercises that I am able to do. Sometime 10 minutes, sometimes longer twice a day of course there are days I can't do any of them at all.
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Last activity on 22/05/2020 at 11:51
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65 comments posted | 6 in the COPD Forum
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I feel sad most of the time, I think its part of C.O.P.D. symptoms and, I too want to do more than I do. I do as much as I can which isn't a great deal, rest for a while, then do some more, just light chores. I leave all the harder work to who ever comes round to help me. I have many other illnesses that stop me from doing things and bring me down too. After I have finished my light chores that I do, I have to go and rest on my bed for a couple of hours and take some pain-killers because I get so tired/fatigued that is hurts. I always make sure I do about 1.1/2 - 2 hours chores before I go to rest. I don't like just sitting around and doing nothing at all.
I find if I listen to soft music while resting on my bed, it takes my mind off myself and the pains I get through my body. It is better to do something than not because the sadness , frustration will get to you and pull you down further. Do something when your feeling sadness or frustration, force yourself to do things, even the smallest thing you do will help, a chore, read a book, a hobby will help keep your mind off yourself too! I do something everyday even when I don't feel like it. If I don't feel like doing something today or tomorrow or the next day then everything will pile up on top of you and you will feel so ill and your mind will be on yourself, your illnesses and nothing will seem worthwhile.
Make sure you do your breathing exercises and, physical exercises if you can.
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Last activity on 02/07/2024 at 09:39
Joined in 2016
Hi all, this is my first post, I have just joined. I was a 2 and half month premature baby and was born diagnosed with COPD. As a child I regularly suffered with Bronchitis and chest infections but was never ever given any medication apart from antibiotics to deal with infection. I started smoking when I was 25, I still have the odd cigarette now and again but I have only been receiving medication for the past 10 years. I have sabutamol and seretide inhalers. I am now 57. I have only started recently to experience shortness of breath when walking but I still ride my bike without any problems, don't understand that one at all, anyone got any advice as to why that is?
Last activity on 01/08/2023 at 16:11
Joined in 2016
Swimming if you can is good for the lungs.
Last activity on 09/12/2021 at 12:00
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12 comments posted | 6 in the COPD Forum
I have COPD for the past 7 years & tried every inhaler,antibiotic & steroids out there but I am constantly breathless if I do anything strenuous. This can get very frustrating from time to time. Any one else out there like me ????
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frank kelleher
Last activity on 20/04/2020 at 16:23
Joined in 2016
Hi, Frankie, I am just the same, taking Symbicort mornings and evenings, Spiriva mornings, and Salamol when needed but just wheeled in some logs and had to sit down afterwards. I HAVE BEEN A SMOKER FOR GUTS OF 60 YEARS, NOW 72, SO NO ONE TO BLAME BUT MYSELF. I dont think there is a cure just management and doing less than we thought we could do, however, keep pluggin away its all we can do!
take care.
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Last activity on 09/12/2021 at 12:00
Joined in 2016
12 comments posted | 6 in the COPD Forum
Hi Oulpete,
It's not a question of blaming yourself Pete, this COPD is a condition we all have & have to get on and live with it.There is no cure (at the moment) but management is very important ie; meds. I find myself fighting & disagreeing with my GP alot lately. I have COPD for 7 years now and in all that time my GP has never questioned the med's i'm on. Lately I ask for a consultant to review my med's. If we don't stand up for ourselfs who will.
Take things easy until next time.
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frank kelleher
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Feeling sad