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Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Good Morning Shazzer. Please believe me you are not alone ,especially whilst you are on this site. We all have our own personal experiences so do understand what a lonely, dark , frightening place you are in. You can be surrounded by lots of people but feel so alone even though when you think rationally you are probably surrounded by people who love you so dearly and care so much about you.
Have you sought help?
I tried so hard to cope alone , thinking that I was . The turning point for me was when I thought how easy it would be to walk out in to traffic. I was diagnosed with anxiety/ depression and prescribed medication and although they didn't solve my problem, they helped to calm my frantic/ chaotic mind thus enabling me to deal with my issues .
Try and take a little by little, day by day approach.
Acknowledge that you do need a helping hand, accept it and embrace it 100%.
You probably won't believe me when I tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel and you can get through this long dark path. I felt exactly the same when someone told me the above.
My advice is; never give up, be gentle on yourself. Accept that you will have a 2 steps forward, 3 steps back at time but it WILL get easier/ time.
It is so hard when you are feeling so low to even get out of bed . I practically lived in my bed in the early days. I couldn't face anyone and so would practically run home from work just to go to bed and hide.
All routine went out of the window. Try to re establish some sort of routine.
Do things for you, no matter how small.This will release the important "happy hormones".
Take time to notice the flowers instead of concentrating on the weeds.
Talk, talk and talk some more; this is the best tool to get you through this bumpy road. The great thing is that it is free. Keep posting on here or message me as I do understand how hard it is when you can never ever imagine ever feeling any different , let alone happy.
I am in such a wonderful place in my life but it hasn't been easy. You can too.
Don't be over critical , don't try to work out why you feel so low at times. It is all part and parcel of depression.
The mind can be so cruel .
Feel free to private message me if you wish to open up. I will never judge, only support.
Big hugs wrapped with love.
Julie x
Good advisor
Last activity on 21/11/2020 at 10:41
Joined in 2016
55 comments posted | 40 in the Depression Forum
Good Advisor
Please don't feel alone as there are plenty of us here who gone through depression of one sort or another. The only I can suggest is that you try and be open about it and you will soon realise that just having someone who will listed to you does bring a lot of relief.
Take speak soon.

Unregistered member
Thank you guys for your kind words I'm trying do help myself but it's so so hard I have to look after my mum who is 74 and as mental illness and my son who is 14 and as aspergers, I try and be strong for them but I recently had a full hysterectomy and that's when my depression got worse cos my mum had to go into hospital and I work full time was doing a 10 hour shift then straight to the hospital every day then home to sort my son out I never gave my body a chance to heal I went straight into my menapause full on and my night sweats my flushes all day long it just got to much and i just broke down iv been off sick from work since June my mum is out 9f hospital now I go sort her out then straight home and hide in my bed I cry myself to sleep I go to sleep hoping I never wake up then all this pressure will be gone.
Good advisor
Last activity on 08/08/2019 at 14:21
Joined in 2016
27 comments posted | 7 in the Depression Forum
Good Advisor
Dear Shazzer I so want to give you words of wisdom to make it all alright for you
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Good advisor
Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Shazza, I know that you probably will find this so hard to believe but you will get through. I too was going through a very painful divorce , my dad being diagnosed with COPD, my sister being diagnosed with Cancer, I was facing redundancy, along with worrying/being so frightened about finances.
I actually was feeling that low, alone ,frightened that I actually thought the same as you ; everyone would be better off without me. I really felt that I couldn't take any more. The turning point for me was when I thought how easy it would be to walk out infront of traffic.
Even a GP told me how strong I must be as" many people would have gone over the edge".
I certainly felt anything but strong,It felt like I was drowning, especially in my own tears.
Get all the help that you can. Keep talking as it really will help to get you through this horrendous part of your life.
I too, had to have a total hysterectomy and so went straight into the menopause; followed by falling and breaking my ankle whilst actually on the way to my outpatients appointment!! Osteoporosis was diagnosed.
In my darkest days , my head felt like it would explode with tension/stress. Like you I also used to practically run home just so I could hide away from reality.
I truly wanted to run away from everything but life isn't that easy and your problems follow you.
Please accept help . Keep chatting , I promise you , you will get through this very difficult time in your life.
Always here for you.
Big hugs
Julie xx
Good advisor
Last activity on 21/11/2020 at 10:41
Joined in 2016
55 comments posted | 40 in the Depression Forum
Good Advisor
I cant imagine what we you are going through but one thing I did learn is that If you can just talk about it with others then you may feel a lift a realise you are not alone and not just from experience but also people who can just listen and sometimes say the right thing to set you off on the right path.
Keep Strong xx

Unregistered member
Thank you so much for your kind words I am trying to be strong for everybody around me iv just found out my son who as aspergers as been being bullied at school so iv had meetings with the teachers he does not want to go to school and I would never false him he is suffering with depression to he breaks down and it breaks my heart children can be so spitful.
Good advisor
Last activity on 21/11/2020 at 10:41
Joined in 2016
55 comments posted | 40 in the Depression Forum
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You need to be strong for 1 person. You. When others see that although you may not they too will take heart and strength from it, and when you see changes that will increase your strength. It's difficult I know the number of times I've sat alone and cried I lost count now I try to be happy for me and that makes it easier to be happy around others.
Good advisor
Last activity on 30/11/2020 at 17:32
Joined in 2016
461 comments posted | 420 in the Depression Forum
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Good Advisor
Just read your post Shazza; how is your son today?
I do hope that life will get better for you.
Always here to chat and hopefully help you to get through.
Yes, children can be so spiteful but hopefully your son's school are sorting things out.
Big hugs
Julie x
Good advisor
Last activity on 21/11/2020 at 10:41
Joined in 2016
55 comments posted | 40 in the Depression Forum
Good Advisor
When we were having trouble with bullying the school were helpful but only after some action by us. We kept our son off as the school kept saying we have no bullying here. Once we kept him off they were good and reacted well. Keep at them as the schools have a legal obligation to ensure your son / daughter safety.
Hope your keeping well and if it helps keep talking as it looks like a few of us on here are happy to listen if that helps as we know what its like to be on your own.
One thing that helps me through hard times especially when it involves my children I just take one look at them when they smile and realise that is what they should be able to do outside of home as well as at home. No one has the right to control that expression on their faces or anyone else for that matter.
Keep strong. My ears are open. Hugs.
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Hi I feel so worthless and alone I can't function everything seems so hard like just getting dressed