Patients Depression
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Last activity on 29/01/2025 at 23:53
Joined in 2016
3 comments posted | 1 in the Depression Forum
Good Advisor
I'm sorry you've had such a rough time. But not taking meds for depression is like not wearing a cast for a broken leg - ok, it's bulky, but it performs the function of helping you get around better and heal. The right anti-depressant performs the function of helping you (1) concentrate better (2) avoid big mood swings (3) kill yourself or self-harm (4) feel getting up to face another day is just beyond your power. Some have side effects: usually these wear off after a few weeks. Some make you gain weight: if it's a choice between that and despair, I'd choose the weight. It's hard, yes - I've put on 5 stone in 8 years and I do feel ugly whereas I used to feel attractive - but I'm still here for my husband, my son and our animals and without the med's I wouldn't be.
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Always be yourself. Unless you can be a Unicorn, then always be a Unicorn.

Unregistered member
I appreciate your comment, but some people need the meds more then others and I like to be in control, I have managed to reach nearly 55, so not doing to bad. Maybe I should of tried meds years ago when I most probably needed them?! I'm glad that meds have been beneficial to you and helped you along the way to a better life, weight can be a problem and overcome at the same time. Good luck in everything that you do and keep fighting, you're winning and doing well...
Last activity on 16/02/2016 at 01:50
Joined in 2016
Hi am new to the site, have suffered from depression, since my first child, However I have to be the rock for everyone and do you know, I just can't do it anymore
Last activity on 16/02/2016 at 01:50
Joined in 2016
Apart from my GP no one knows about my depression!
Last activity on 16/02/2016 at 01:50
Joined in 2016
I also suffer from chronic pain.I just hoped that someone would have been able to talk tonight

Unregistered member
I'm new to the group, I suffer from Depression and have for many years.
No one would ever know about my condition, because in my work and social life, I am a very bubbly, confident person.
Only my close family and friends know the way I suffer. I have attempted to take my own life twice because I just couldn't cope. I have been extremely low the past few months, I've had a lot of things going on in my personal life.
I've had to go on stronger tablets so I can at least try and cope. I've got to a stage in my life where I think I've worn my family down, and I'm scared that if I need them they won't be there

Unregistered member
And I agree with Thetigers. I prefer not to take medications cause of the negative factor. But we all are different and we all have different needs. I wish I could just have a chat with someone cause my life is like big mess. I suffer with depression many years now. It was always up and down. But last few years was really bad. But still thinking meds will not help.

Unregistered member
Meds help some people suppress the depression, but it is a negative way of combatting stress and depression. A better way is to eat well, exercise and do positive things, as well as talk to positive people. Have an hobby and watch things that make you happy, stay away from negative people if you can, be with people that make you feel good. Anything that makes you feel better in yourself is a positive way of having a better life...

Unregistered member
I wish I could do that, stay away from negative people, problem is that I can't as I'm bullied at work as well. So I also having panic attacks as well. I'm eating healthy. I don't eat junk food. I even can't cause of my other health problems. Like I says my life seems be very messy now, I will try make new topic soon.
Last activity on 01/12/2024 at 22:54
Joined in 2016
7 comments posted | 6 in the Depression Forum
Jules 52- Welcome to the site. It is difficult being the rock all the time I have to be for our two sons and like you I have reached a low.
I just keep going on as I have to but the one thing I do is make sure I have time for something I want to do each day. Maybe this could be the beginning for you and then take it further adventurous.
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I've suffered anxiety and bouts of depression, never taken medication, I find exercise and employment does help, as well as healthy eating. Alcohol was a big problem and I used to smoke, due to a hard childhood, mother leaving my father, I was 14 and many other bouts of bad luck. I've suffered angina also, I seem to cope better at 54 years of age, but the depression comes and goes. I feel tired and lazy, I burn out and over think, I had a bad bout last year. The reaction of people, even Doctors, isn't always encouraging, I won't take medication because of the negative factor. Depression causes mood swings and behavioural problems, I used to get in a lot of trouble with the law. I think I'm coping better in my older life by using many forms of advice and activities that release endorphins. I'm 55 this year so still alive and kicking, I have committed self harm in the past, but not for a while now. life does become hard sometimes and it's very difficult to battle being down, but we only get one life and helping others can keep us alive and focused. I get great satisfaction helping others and achieving something worthwhile in life, I can't relate to people taking their own life, because they must of found life unbearable to carry on. Those people who are suicidal are the people I want to help and make them realise they have something to give.